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Remember Google TV?  No?  Oh well, not to worry since most people don’t.  But Google wants to change all of that as it prepares for a 2nd chance with Google TV 2.0!

The original Google TV was designed to bridge the gap between television and the Internet, allowing users to view their favorite shows via live television broadcast or on the web.  Google TV was comprised of Sony and Logitech hardware, but wasn’t exactly well received in the marketplace. In fact, it was a disastrous dud!  Sales were so poor that Logitech was forced to knock $200 off their set-top box.  Now, Google says it has learned its lesson and plans to improve upon the experience and try again.

Google will modernize the interface and bring the Android Market of Honeycomb along for the ride. Google and Logitech have indicated the new release is mere weeks away, with software updates to be available to original owners with existing devices.

Arriving so late to the game, can Google successfully compete with the popular Apple TV?  Will it even be able to compete with TiVo?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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