An Alaska Airlines pilot is under fire today after mask-shaming passengers on board his flight.
You may recall that Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle — a Donald Trump appointee — recently and abruptly ended the mask mandate on airplanes. Many pilots, whose political beliefs lean toward the GOP notion that masks are useless and COVID is a joke, cheered the judge’s ruling and ended mask mandates mid-flight. Some pilots even gave away free champagne and encouraged or insisted that passengers remove their masks.
However, one Alaska Airlines pilot took things a step too far.

According to Jonathan Evans, a recent passenger aboard an Alaska Airlines flight from Orlando to Seattle, his pilot created “an anti-mask party from the start” and made life uncomfortable for those who put safety ahead of politics.
In a Twitter tirade, Evans wrote: “I had never been shamed for wearing a mask until my @AlaskaAir Orlando-Seattle flight today. The pilot created an anti-mask party from the start, which encouraged the non-mask wearers to chide the mask-wearers. The most uncomfortable experience for me and my family. Really sucked.”
Evans explained that those who willingly removed their masks were cheered and rewarded with champagne. However, those who chose to remain safe and keep their masks on were made fun of and treated like freaks.
“This was a bad experience for my family, and I feel it is important to tell the story,” Evans added.

Another passenger on the same flight also shared their experience.
“I was on that flight,” the additional passenger said. “As we were taking off and for the whole 6 hour flight the pilot was walking up and down the aisle ridiculing each passenger that was wearing a mask. He then asked a kid join (sic) him on the flight deck to help land the plane as a reward for not wearing a mask,” the passenger added.
Evans’ tweets attracted a lot of attention, with one user asking “Hey @AlaskaAir so if my friend with cancer was on that flight and she caught covid and died as a result of this willful gross negligence, should the lawsuit be directed to you, the cabin crew, or all of the above?” Another user tweeted, “So an @AlaskaAir pilot and crew were complicit and supportive in harassment against a guest? This sounds like a real big problem. I’d rather have an expanded pilot shortage than deal with that sh*t.”
Adding @AlaskaAir to the list of airlines I won’t be flying anytime soon. Actions like that demonstrate contempt for the needs of the immunocompromised and those with children under five.
— Erika With a K 🌻 (@badbuddhist01) April 21, 2022
The pilot’s behavior attracted so much attention that Alaska Airlines reached out to Evans directly.
“We are sorry for the experience you had onboard our flight yesterday. We have started an investigation to look into this situation,” the airlines said.
Interestingly, Evans was also told that Alaska Airlines would not make him aware of their findings in the investigation or what punishment (if any) is eventually given to the pilot.
The entire event in the skies was proof positive that even pilots can be political assholes.
OK WASSUP! covers Travel News:
Alaska Airlines pilot ridicules mask wearers.
[Interestingly, Evans was also told that Alaska Airlines would not make him aware of their findings in the investigation or what punishment (if any) is eventually given to the pilot.
The entire event in the skies was proof positive that even pilots can be political assholes.] – DJ
I agree that one of the reasons for all of this madness is people playing politics. However, I’ve gone on record before and expressed my belief that it’s first and foremost rooted in FEAR and ignorance with FEAR being the #1 reason.
COVID has exposed a lot of Uncomfortable Truths about America and Americans, especially regarding many, if not most, White Americans.
The fact that so many White Americans are AFRAID of wearing a face-mask – and pretending their resistance has anything to do with “infringing” on their freedoms (rolling my eyes) – speaks Volumes to me about them.
It’s just like when they use ANY excuse to run out and buy lots and lots of guns, pretending it means they’re Alpha men!?! While knowing darn well they’re doing it out of FEAR.
Hey Truth the whole thing is all about white privilege. They are not use to being told what to do is what it is. The one time they have to do something in life for anybody but themselves they throw a tantrum. Like those women they showed throwing groceries in stores when somebody told them they had to wear a mask to shop. It is all about white privilege.
Yes BD, I agree. “White privilege” is certainly a huge factor as well. But it goes beyond even that.
Why else are so many White people desperately trying to make the rest of Us (people who still wear a mask) stop wearing a mask? Why does it anger them to see Us (even Black people) wear our mask?
Because the mask is a reminder that there’s something out there that they (fearful White people) CAN’T control. And THAT is an uncomfortable and Frightening thing for them!
There was a time when I would not have thought of White Americans as being a Fearful people. As a Black woman, born and raised in America, there are a number of words I could have used (and did use) to describe White Americans. FEAR was NOT one of those words. But that time is long gone.
Particularly since Covid, I’ve now come to realize that Anything that disturbs their comfort level, they FEAR. I truly believe the main impulse that drives many, if not most of white America, is FEAR. And then willful ignorance. And then race/racism.
And in any society, that combination makes for a highly toxic and deadly stew.
The only punishment this pilot should get is fired. The one person on a plane you should be able to trust about safety and he is going around making fun of people? Get him off the planes.
Again, I agree BD. He should be fired. Unfortunately I doubt that he will be – because I suspect we have lot of “Unfit” jokers piloting planes these days, working for airlines that don’t give a fig about anything but the bottom line. $$$$