Don Lemon Rips Trump Over Obama Jealousy

“What is it about President Obama that really gets under your skin?” CNN’s Don Lemon asked rhetorically of Donald Trump in a hard-hitting on-air segment last week.
“Is it because he’s smarter than you? Better educated? Made it on his own/didn’t need daddy’s help? Wife is more accomplished?” the CNN anchor pondered while relentlessly pressing every single one of ‘The Donald’s’ buttons.
Donald Trump absolutely despises Lemon, perhaps almost as much as he despises Barack Obama — which is why if you haven’t already seen the segment where Trump’s ego was hit with punch after punch, you need to check it out below!
Yes, I saw the video of it earlier this week…Lol. Priceless!
“What is it about President Obama that really gets under your skin?”
“Is it because he’s smarter than you? Better educated? Made it on his own/didn’t need daddy’s help? Wife is more accomplished?”
YES! It’s because of ALL of that…..and so much more!
But let’s just *skim back the grease and get to the gravy.* Most “Obama haters” are also Trump voters, who Mostly are like Trump – proudly ignorant, very insecure, Fearful, vulgar and Angry White men. White men who’ve FAILED at…..well you name it….they’ve failed at it most of their lives (rich, working-class or poor).
White men who walk around PRETENDING they’re “Alphas” while knowing deep down inside Who and What they really are. And knowing deep down inside that BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA is EVERYTHING that They Are Not. Beginning with the fact that Obama is African-American.
The Real life of Obama has BLOWN UP the whole premise and foundation of the very idea that “White supremacy” was built on! Without the White supremacy *idea* (which I suspect even most White people have always known is a pure bullsh*t belief) White men like Trump have NO identity.
NO identity at all.
Lol he lit into Trump so bad it hurt my feelings. And you know Trump was watching it.