Current Events

Coronavirus Racism: China vs The USA

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COVID-19 is not the only pandemic wreaking havoc across the globe.  Coronavirus racism has also overtaken China and the US.

Current Events
In the United States, many have grown convinced that Chinese-Americans are automatic carriers of COVID-19 and have been exacting violence and overt discrimination against them.  In fact, according to The Hill, at least 100 Asian-American attacks related to coronavirus racism occur on US soil each day.

Coronavirus Racism

A rider on a New York subway violently sprayed an Asian man with Febreeze. In Texas, 3 Chinese-Americans were stabbed inside a Sam’s Club.  In San Franciso, a 16-year-old Asian-American boy was sent to the hospital after bullies accused him of carrying the coronavirus.

“These are very, very alarming and are not helped by President Trump who calls this the ‘Chinese virus,’ ” said Democratic Rep. Judy Chu of California.  She added that although he has stopped the racial tagging of late, Trump’s label only added to the stigma and ignited coronavirus racism.

However, the US is not alone in its COVID-19 bigotry.

In China, citizens are under fire for buying into the wild conspiracy theory that Africans and other people of color are active carriers of the virus and should be shunned.

As a result, Africans have been evicted from their hotel rooms in the middle of the night and even their homes.  A group of African students were forced to take COVID-19 tests and to quarantine at their own expense despite not having traveled recently.  Additionally, several people of color were threatened with having their visas and work permits revoked.

In Guangzhou, blacks were denied entry into a local mall by police while other ethnicities were freely admitted.  Also in Guangzhou, a local McDonald’s employee posted a sign in the window stating “black people are not allowed to enter the restaurant.”

Coronavirus Racism

Following the incident, the McDonald’s corporate office issued a statement saying the sign was removed and the restaurant was temporarily closed.

“This is not representative of our inclusive values,” the company said. “We will take the opportunity to further educate managers and employees on our values, which includes serving all members of the communities in which we operate.”

Fear of contracting the virus is normal during a global pandemic of this magnitude.  However, conspiracy theories that certain ethnicities are more of a threat than other ethnicities in passing along the virus are not only unwarranted but ignorant.

The coronavirus can infect ANYONE and be passed along by ANYONE.  So sad to see a racist level of ignorance rear its ugly head in China AND the United States.



OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
Coronavirus racism in China and the US.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. (Sigh!) Honestly DJ, the only form of “Racism” that Pains me more deeply than White racism against My people (Black Americans) is Black racism against *Others* of a different race. I am both angered and grieved by this incredibly disturbing revelation. Such an Ugly and Shameful reality.

    Racism and hatred are diseases of the same root cause. Ignorance. Plain. Old. Ignorance.

    As a people WE MUST do better.

  2. BREAKING: Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s “oldest brother has died from Coronavirus,” in Oklahoma – MSNBC

  3. (Just a side-note) It appears the “anti-stay-at-home” mini-protests just HAVEN”T gained much traction. Frankly, those phony protests have, from jump, been mostly about supporting Trump.

    Video-clips/pics of the mini-protests show a collective of mostly a bunch of Rambo wannabe middle-aged White men playing “toy-soldiers-for-Trump” w/guns, trying desperately to LOOK tough and angry about the “Stay-at-home” orders of smart governors who actually give a d*mn about the health and well-being of the citizens of their respective states.

    Turns out one of the biggest organizations who financed the bogus “tea-party” rabble-rousers want NO association with the “Toy soldiers for Trump” mini-protests and indeed has issued public support for “working directly with policymakers to bring business leaders and public health officials together to help develop standards to safely reopen the economy without jeopardizing public health. The choice between full shutdown and immediately opening everything is a false choice.”

    Full Read: ‘Here’s why a Major Tea Party backer is staying far away from Trump’s lockdown protesters”

  4. This is all ignorant from both sides. I am embarrassed to see a black man acting racist they way this guy was doing. Also Febreeze is a air freshener and not a people disinfectant so it was ignorant all around. It is interesting the racism came from chinese to blacks and blacks to chinese. Those two races have a lot of work to do.

  5. AP:
    Atlanta Mayor Keisha Bottoms has been one of the main critics of Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, who announced on Monday that certain businesses will be able to reopen despite the continued uncertainty of the coronavirus pandemic. Now people are retaliating against the mayor with racist language.

    On Wednesday night, Bottoms shared a message she allegedly received from a racist calling her the N-word. “Ni**er just shut up and RE-OPEN ATLANTA!” the text read. Bottoms commented on the incident on Twitter, writing, “With my daughter looking over my shoulder, I received this message on my phone. I pray for you.” Bottoms then went on to cite the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with a quote: “Conscientious stupidity or sincere ignorance.”

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