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R&B singer Chris Brown might need a few more sessions of anger management, and could be headed back in front of a judge.

During a live interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America” Tuesday to promote his new album, Brown was not too happy when co-host Robin Roberts asked him a few questions regarding the beating incident from a few years ago of his ex-girlfriend Rihanna.  Although Roberts was likely only doing her due diligence as an interviewer, Brown was visibly uncomfortable and kept trying to steer the interview back to “the ALBUM” (he said with emphasis).

But following the interview, Brown was so worked up and angry from Roberts’ questions, that he smashed a window in his dressing room at the GMA studios, then stormed out onto the street without a shirt.  Part of the window shattered and shards of glass fell onto 43rd and Broadway in New York’s Times Square, where GMA is located.  ABC security said Brown smashed the window with a chair and by the time they came into the room, Brown had already ripped off his shirt and left the building.  He left without doing another performance he was supposed to do for the network’s website.

After his meltdown, the 22-year-old Brown tweeted: “I’m so over people bringing this past sh*t up!!!  Yet we praise Charlie Sheen and other celebs for there bullsh*t.”  Hmmm…

Although the young singer is obviously frustrated from having to answer questions about physically assaulting his ex-girlfriend 2 years ago, his career has been back on the rise of late, with many fans and industry pros willing to forgive and forget.  But this latest and most public outburst  will almost certainly set Brown back, as his anger will be perceived to still be out of control and unmanageable. This is especially important since Brown is still on probation from the Rihanna incident.  The courts could rule at any time that his violent rage which led to property damage at the GMA studios is a very clear probation violation, which could lead to a myriad of legal repercussions and a career setback.



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. "this latest and most public outburst will almost certainly set Brown back, as his anger will be perceived to still be out of control and unmanageable."Po fella. He can't seem to keep it together can he?…SMH. Just look at him (blonde hair, tattoos, a rather lost look in his eyes). He really seems Confused to me.  However, one can hardly be Black in America and NOT notice the difference of how celebs who are "BLACK and crazy" versus "WHITE and crazy" are treated by the media and generally Accepted (i.e., Charlie Sheen) or NOT accepted, by the public. IMO, both guys are stark examples of a *CRY For Help.* But I digress.  I think at the very least, CB, needs intensive *stress AND anger management* counseling. His failure to seriously seek that kind of help will probably lead to continued problems for him. 

  2. I was one of the ones who gave this dude a pass and moved on, but this is not good. Theres something brewing under his surface that hes gonna have to deal with sooner or later. Most people don't react by throwing a chair through a windown when there mad. I hope he can get it together because his album is the truth.

  3. chris brown needs a male role model/mentor in his life. it doesnt seem like he has to answer to anybody. a strong male figure around him could keep him in check.

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