Comments on: GOP BATTLES CHURCH vs STATE News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 08:00:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: DJ Wed, 22 Apr 2009 05:58:00 +0000 TO FRISCO415: I removed your double posting from the other thread and left the comment under this thread.TO TRUTHIZ:Don't worry about the additional posting. I'd have to delete your entire comment and get you to redo it, which wasn't worth it. So for now it's fine as is.THANKS FOR THE POSTINGS ALL. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORDS!- DJ

By: frisco415 Wed, 22 Apr 2009 02:31:00 +0000 (oops posted under wrong thread DJ can you help?)GOOD FIND TRUTHIZ!I am amazed at how many supposed "Christians" honestly believe they are somehow immune to bigotry. More bigots hide behind the guise of Christianity than nearly anywhere else. Blacks were killed in the interest of "Christianity." Jews were persecuted in the interest of "Christianity." And now gays and lesbians are being denied basic human rights in the interest of "Christianity." We have nothing against what is called "traditional" marriage. We pose no threat to anyone else's already existing marital bond. We just want the same rights that everyone else already has. I am not sure of Steve Schmidts true motives but I hope he GETS it and isn't doing this only for publicity. It's 2009 people! Wake up! It's time!!!!!

By: Truthiz Tue, 21 Apr 2009 14:38:00 +0000 @DJ-I apologize for the double-posting of the Daily Dish exerpt. I don’t see any way to correct it(?)Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated!

By: Truthiz Tue, 21 Apr 2009 14:04:00 +0000 SPARE ME your blather. I won't be sucked in. I know the Christianist CON game. To anyone I may "offend" with my post: Please SKIP OVER them.Now moving on….I read this over at Andrew Sullivan's Daily Dish:The Faux Libertarianism Of Christianist BigotsThe “victimized” Christianist bigots are of course not making a thorough, comprehensive (i.e., truly libertarian) demand for full entrepreneurial freedom of contract — and its reciprocal “right to refuse service to anyone.” All they want to do is discriminate against gays. Not “anyone and everyone.” Just gays.Which is precisely why they should not be allowed to do so. As I have blogged previously: Whether or not you approve of bans on private discrimination is not the point — we are not debating the creation of Libertopia.The point is instead whether, given that we already have such laws, are we going to craft and apply those laws consistently, logically and equitably — or are we going to short-circuit the entire raison d’être of such laws by allowing the majoritarian mob to fashion carve-outs for the very same insular minorities who are most in need of such laws?If the religious bigots really want to invoke libertarian arguments to legitimize their bigotry, then they better be prepared to be judged by real libertarians about the entire spectrum of libertarian issues — including separation of church and state.Think they’ll go for it?Hat-tip: A Stitch In Haste via Andrew Sullivan-The Daily Dish The Faux Libertarianism Of Christianist BigotsThe “victimized” Christianist bigots are of course not making a thorough, comprehensive (i.e., truly libertarian) demand for full entrepreneurial freedom of contract — and its reciprocal “right to refuse service to anyone.” All they want to do is discriminate against gays. Not “anyone and everyone.” Just gays.Which is precisely why they should not be allowed to do so. As I have blogged previously: Whether or not you approve of bans on private discrimination is not the point — we are not debating the creation of Libertopia.The point is instead whether, given that we already have such laws, are we going to craft and apply those laws consistently, logically and equitably — or are we going to short-circuit the entire raison d’être of such laws by allowing the majoritarian mob to fashion carve-outs for the very same insular minorities who are most in need of such laws?If the religious bigots really want to invoke libertarian arguments to legitimize their bigotry, then they better be prepared to be judged by real libertarians about the entire spectrum of libertarian issues — including separation of church and state.Think they’ll go for it?Hat-tip: A Stitch In Haste via Andrew Sullivan-The Daily Dish

By: Debbie DeMarco Tue, 21 Apr 2009 13:09:00 +0000 You seem to be filled with a lot of hate and overbearing opinions "Truthis" but your rant is totally off-base and wrong! The Republican party is a party of morals and family values. We raise our kids to grow up with a strong belief in christian values and standards. We are not "theocons, zombies" or any other name you want to throw at us, nor are we a party which permits or tolerates immoral type behavior such as homosexuality and what not. I don't know what Steve Schmidt is smoking all a sudden but gays are not to marry. I don't care if his sister is gay. Long as I'm a Republican we will not be in support of them ruining the sacntity of marriage. God made Adam & Eve not Adam & STEVE. I have faith Sarah will take care of things come 2012!!
