GOP Congressman Crumbles Over Biden Question
The Republican congressman leading the bogus impeachment case against President Joe Biden collapsed on national television after being stumped and unable to provide facts.
Politics :
Earlier this week, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith of Missouri likely embarrassed his Republican colleagues. The uncomfortable moment occurred when an NBC reporter asked the congressman to explain how the GOP believes Mr. Biden should be impeached for misusing the power of his political office during a time when he was neither the vice president, the president, or even a candidate.

Check out the video below and watch how Smith became so discombobulated, that he was left with no alternative but to move on to another question.
OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
GOP congressman stumped on Biden.
Hey DJ, thanks for this!
And if you think this is bad (and it is) check out video clips of MAGAT House Repubs first day of so-called “witnesses” yesterday at the impeachment inquiry. An absolute disaster” is putting it lightly. Even some Repubs on Capitol Hill are calling it “a total embarrassment.”
This whole MAGAT clown-show is why you don’t put Corrupt and very low IQ people in positions of leadership and power. (See Trump and his sycophants).
Breaking: Sen Feinstein has passed away.
I was about to post the same news.