Comments on: GOP CONVENTION – DAY 1 News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 29 Aug 2012 20:41:04 +0000 <span><span><span>More reaxs….</span>    <span></span>   <span>Politico: "Chris Christie's flop at the GOP convention"          TAMPA, Fla. — There is no mistaking what a successful keynote <span>speech for Chris Christie</span> would have looked and sounded like. There would have been an electric reaction from the crowd in the convention hall. It would have been followed by waves of effusive media commentary about how people had just heard the future of the Republican Party. </span>    <span></span>   <span>Judged by these standards, there is also no mistaking what the New Jersey governor delivered instead: A prime-time belly-flop, one that notably failed to clear either of those two high bars.      </span></span> <span>The <span>fallout on Wednesday was the talk of Tampa and left Christie on the defensive to avoid lasting damage </span></span><span><span>to his political fortunes. It also revealed tensions between the Christie and Mitt Romney camps.   [….]           Read:…</span></span></span><span><span><span></span></span></span><span><span><span>Christie's hardly worried about any potential political "damage" he may have done to himself in kicking Mitt to the curb last night. Christie doesn't think Mitt can win so that big-mouth man decided to get a jump on 2016.</span></span></span>

By: Truthiz Wed, 29 Aug 2012 20:35:38 +0000 "Chris Cristie only talked about himself showing he's gonna run in four years."Yep.

By: BD Wed, 29 Aug 2012 20:28:29 +0000 Big fail from both speakers last night. I forced myself to watch as much as I could. Ane Romney was pretty good but she didn't make anybody fall in love with Mitt. Then Chris Cristie only talked about himself showing he's gonna run in four years. If the plan was to build up Mitt Romney I don't think that happened at all.

By: Truthiz Wed, 29 Aug 2012 20:17:00 +0000 As I've recently said, the problem with Repubs isn't just the "TONE" of their jacked-up message. It IS their MESSAGE.   And judging most of the reactions today to the GOP's main speeches last night…Ann Romney and Chris Christie…it appears that NO matter your politics_ *Left* ..*Right* ..*Independent* or whatever!?! The consensus is that BOTH speeches fell well-short of their intended goal. In fact they're being called "a MISSED opportunity."  WashingtonPost: "Chris Christie's and Ann Romney's speeches did not mix"Just when we were getting softened and buttered up by Ann Romney, comes the raging bull of Chris Christie. There is a reason that networks group comedies and dramas on individual nights, and the convention programmers broke this rule, and it created a little dissonance.As for the content and style of the speeches, Ann Romney's appeal probably broke along class lines; she has a Junior League quality that is comforting to some, grating to others. Chris Christie did what Romney should have feared he would: Talk about himself more than the guy he was trying to help. Read:…Peggy Noonan: "Ann Romney and Chris Chrsitie" I want to tell you they marched out of the hall Tuesday night on fire for their side. But I was there and they did not. They walked out like people who weren’t quite sure what to think or how to feel but were hoping for the best because they love their country. A lot.   [….]Read:
