Comments on: GOP Delegates Could Be Bribed News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 20 Apr 2016 09:07:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr. BD Tue, 19 Apr 2016 22:23:19 +0000 I'm just getting back from a conference and didn't get to comment during my lunch. But I wouldn't put it past Trump to try to buy delegates. Like DJ said he already bought the black pastors and Omerosa so he could buy delegates to. Repub party needs to keep a eye out on that one.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 19 Apr 2016 15:52:59 +0000 TAC Reader:
What else can I say? By now, it should be obvious to everyone that Trump is unfit to be president and that he has virtually zero chance of winning in November. […]

TAC Reader:
I’m sorry, but Trump should have known how to play the game before deciding to run for the Presidency. By that, I mean he should have had people on the state level insuring the delegates he won were pledged to him and were his supporters. […]

TAC Reader:
The GOP will implode after this election. Personally, I can’t wait. It’s become a useless, feckless party that stands for nothing except it’s own power. […]

TAC Reader:
Trump has 50% of the delegates with 37% of the popular vote. Hypocrisy is unattractive, but that is nothing new to Trump. […]

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 19 Apr 2016 15:34:26 +0000 I agree DJ. If indeed Trump doesn't go into the convention with 1237 delegates already secured it's going to be an all out brawl at the convention for that magic number.

However, based on how he's run his sham of a campaign thus far, I doubt he's going to *pony-up* and "bribe" delegates for their support…not using his own money anyway.

Look at how he's operated. His supposed "self-financed" presidential campaign has been anything but.

As reported in the news:

1. Trump has played the media like a fiddle to the tune of at least $2 billion dollars worth of FREE media.

2. Most of the money spent on his campaign to date has actually come from his supporters.

3. To the degree that he's "contributed" any money to his campaign at's been mostly in the form of LOANS he's made to himself.

Added to all that…….

We now know he has NO real ground game…meaning NO real organization with an actual PAID staff (save for a few political INSIDERS Mr. *Outsider" recently hired)…which is the primary reason he's being out-hustled in the *delegates game* by the Cruz campaign who knows the rules of each state and knows how to play the game.

And Trump began raising H*ll about the Repub system being "rigged" and "corrupt" only AFTER he realized he just might come up short heading into the convention. He knows there's a very real possibility he could lose the fight for delegates in the 2nd round, if it comes to that.

Btw- I agree with Trump. The system is rigged. It is corrupt. But that has nothing to do with the fact that that he's a despicable human-being who played himself by failing to actually invest in a serious campaign. As opposed to the Fake-azz, alpha-dog Freak show he's been running just to feed his totally mucked-up ego.

The truth is, Trump is unfit to run for president..let alone BE president. But watching the Republican Party (and right-wing media) tearing themselves apart over that cretin is a Beautiful thing to behold.

