Archie Windsor Has Finally Arrived!
His name is Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor — and he is the newest member of the British royal family.
Current Events
Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex and wife of Prince Harry, gave birth to the littlest royal at 5:26am on Monday, May 6th. Although they could have chosen a traditional British name such as Arthur or a more American name such as Eric or Malik, they simply settled on a moniker they both liked.
The name Archibald means “genuine,” “bold,” and “brave,” while the secondary name, Harrison, is a play-on-words of “Harry’s son.”
Rumors are that Meghan and Harry aren’t planning on providing their new son with an official title as they hope to bring him up in as normal a life as possible. Because he is only 7th in the line of succession to the British throne, chances are he’ll never need an official title or responsibility.
Since Duchess Meghan is biracial, the official photo of mother, father, baby, the Queen of England, and an African-American grandmother (Meghan’s mom, Doria Ragland) was certainly one for the history books. The photo spurred playful discussion on social media that the newest royal could grow up to have a red afro — which would certainly be historic for the monarchs.
Congratulations to the new family.
Hear-Hear!..DJ. “Congratulations to the new family.”
And what a beautiful family they are!
Harry and Meghan appear to be so in love with each other. And they both look absolutely *smitten* with their new baby-boy…Lol
I love it. Thanks for this DJ.