Comments on: GOP Fallout From Anti-Obama Letter To Iran News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:51:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Random White Guy Mon, 16 Mar 2015 22:07:22 +0000 I'm not a fan of Obama but this just isn't right. I still believe we are all American before we're Republican or Democrat. I can't side with the precedent this sets for congress to use a foreign body for their political games. Just not right.

By: Mr. BD Mon, 16 Mar 2015 17:15:34 +0000 These Repubs never cease to amaze me. But now this has gone too far. This is the second time they tried to use a foreign government to undercut Obama and I do think this is treason. I would like to see charges brought up on everybody who took part in this travesty.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 16 Mar 2015 14:58:13 +0000 "The words of the GOP hacks are not only factually incorrect, but border on lunacy and treason."

You're correct on all points highlighted in your post DJ.


So…once AGAIN, the Repubs have managed to display a GLARING example of who they are AND what they are actually about. Not.One.Good. and Honorable.Thing.

They continue to proudly disgrace themselves and Our country in front to the entire world.

As I've said many times, they are undoubtedly a very dangerous and pathetic lot. The depth of ignorance, arrogance and utter incompetence among them is quite stunning to say the least.

But as many have expressed, it is also somewhat reassuring that their stunts keep backfiring on them.

TAC Reader:
There was some reason to worry that these stunts could damage the negotiations, but overall the effect appears to have been the opposite of the one that the saboteurs intended. The good news is that these hard-liners don’t fight intelligently or strategically, and in their desperation to win they do more harm to their own cause than their opponents could have done on their own. The reality is that they aren’t tough, unless one defines “tough” as being impervious to inconvenient evidence. The last two weeks have shown them to be clueless in what can be achieved and how to go about achieving it, and the fact that Kristol thinks they have been doing very well tells the rest of us how badly they have failed. […]
