
GOP Family Feud Is (Already) Underway

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Don’t look now, but a GOP family feud is already cooking up on Capitol Hill.

Politics :
Exactly 7 days after Republicans began a weeklong comedy sketch of electing a leader and less than 72 hours after congressional members were sworn-in and Kevin McCarthy was named the new Speaker of the House, GOP infighting has already kicked into high gear with no hint of easing in sight.

GOP Family Feud

Party members are stealthily stabbing each other in the back, right-wingers are distrusting each other and looking at ways to replace other right-wingers, and Donald Trump and his presidential aspirations Part II are rapidly sinking into oblivion.  

Does Kevin McCarthy realize he has agreed to captain the Titanic?

Let’s take a look at the multiple fires currently blazing inside the GOP family feud:


Far-right MAGA sycophant Mike Lindell, AKA the “My Pillow Guy,” was convinced Matt Gaetz would NEVER sell out the GOP Freedom Caucus and support Kevin McCarthy — until he did. However, Mr. Pillow had a few choice words for MAGA icon and Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene for surprisingly joining the McCarthy camp.

“Matt Gaetz is not going to break his promise,” Lindell said during a podcast on right-wing network Telegram (while incorrectly predicting Gaetz would not allow McCarthy to win). “I’m very surprised that the one, I won’t name her name, but it’s Marjorie Taylor Greene, she broke her promise.”

“Oh, I did name her name. Oh, I let it slip out,” Lindell continued. “Now the media can say ‘Mike Lindell bashes Marjorie Taylor Greene!’”


In an unexpected twist of fate, on-air personalities of Fox & Friends took to the airwaves to beat up on the Republican Party for turning the selection of the House Speaker into a circus.

“How are you supposed to do your job?” host Brian Kilmeade rhetorically asked Republican members of Congress during a segment last week. “You should not take this job if it’s about your ego and your own personal agenda. The whole thing should be service for the country and the subset is your party. Please explain to me how this helps your party. You are looking like idiots in front of the country.”


GOP Family Feud

Frankly, Marj T. Greene hasn’t been feeling the love from her klan lately and recently complained that she’s receiving hate from the MAGA movement just because she supported Kevin McCarthy for House Speaker.

“I just also need to remind everyone, while people are mad at me, President Trump endorsed and supported Kevin McCarthy. Jim Jordan endorsed, supported, voted for, and nominated Kevin McCarthy,” Greene said. “So, people that are overly mad at me, I shouldn’t be your punching bag.” 



“Stop the Steal” organizer Ali Alexander has threatened to expose an unspecified crime he claims Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene committed.

“I will not suffer this harlot,” Alexander said on his Telegram page. “I will not be taught vows and loyalty, commitment from a whore! You have got me mistaken for some damn fool, and a fool, Ali Alexander has never been called.”


GOP Family Feud
GOP Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert

Once upon a time, Reps. Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene were thick as thieves — until recently when Greene made a backroom deal with Kevin McCarthy to ditch the Republican Freedom Caucus and throw her support behind him.

Too bad, so sad for the former BFF’s but a tense GOP family feud between the 2 women culminated on the House floor last week when Boebert told Greene “Get the f*ck out of my face.”


Apparently, at least a handful of Republicans still believe in integrity and accountability.

GOP Family Feud
Rep. Santos sits alone in Congress

Despite attempts to change the subject and claim that his congressional tenure should have nothing to do with choices in his personal life, new congressman and current GOP liar-in-chief George Santos is apparently the subject of a secret replacement campaign.

Republicans are reportedly already preparing for the possibility that Santos could eventually resign, be sent to jail, or need to be replaced before he runs for a 2nd term. So, they’ve been secretly looking at reliable GOP names who could step in and take over if need be for the chronic fibber.

Interestingly, Republicans are also already so over George Santos, that they’ve been avoiding him like the bubonic plague.

Now, how’s THAT for some good ol’ fashioned GOP family feud – ing?

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
GOP family feud steps into high gear.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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“This is the greatest danger we’ve had as a party since 1964,” Newt Gingrich said in an interview, referring to the Republican National Convention that saw moderates facing off against conservative insurgents. The Republican base, he said, is “watching chaos in the House and they’re watching the potential for a Never-Trump and an Always-Trump collision that could be devastatingly divisive.”

The party’s allies in conservative media were equally distressed.

“This is a disaster for the Republicans,” Fox News host Steve Doocy said Wednesday on “Fox & Friends.” Sean Hannity said Tuesday night that House Republicans “are now on the verge of becoming a total clown show if they’re not careful.”


“This is the greatest danger we’ve had as a party since 1964,” Newt Gingrich said in an interview, referring to the Republican National Convention that saw moderates facing off against conservative insurgents. – H/t: Wil

Gingrich is right but that piece of human garbage has got some nerve!

Most of the Madness going on within that Fascist party, now playing out front of the nation and the entire world, can be traced directly back to HIS evil azz and that other human piece of human garbage Tom Delay.

Last edited 1 year ago by Truthiz1

You got that right Truth. Call him out.


From Gingrich to McCarthy, the Roots of Governance by Chaos

Mr. Gingrich began the zero-sum politics that mutated into the brand of the Tea Party and Trump M.A.G.A. Republicans and that presaged the raucous speaker battle in the House.

Former Speaker Newt Gingrich’s scorched-earth strategy in the 1990s was the starting point for Republicans’ weaponization of political dysfunction.Credit…[…] – New York Times, Jan. 7, 2023



Kudos DJ, another great summary of a lot of the Repub Fascist madness on full public display!

ALL of this Repub infighting has actually been been festering for years between the waring factions. However, it was mostly BEHIND the scenes, away from the public’s view.

Thanks to Trump’s takeover of that party, it’s now all Out in the Open!

Btw the NeoCon nutjobs used to be part of this disgusting and dangerous collective but most of them took off running AWAY from the Republican party as soon as it became clear to THE WORLD that the Iraq invasion was based on a LIE promoted by the Neocons, which was an insane, Evil, utterly disastrous idea!

Last edited 1 year ago by Truthiz1

I have to say I am loving sitting back watching all these fools fight each other. They tried to make a case they should be in control of everything but they cannot even control each other.


All this fighting is going to come back against Repubs in 2024. The whole house speaker vote last week is a commercial for the Dems. All they have to do is show the footage of everything that went down last week and remind everybody. It is almost too easy.


It looks like a lot of the fights involve Marjorie Taylor Green some kind of way. But that does not surprise me because she played both ends to the middle and made some enemies. I was surprised to see Ali Alexander calling her a whore. Even pillow guy is no longer feeling her. This is starting to get dirty.


BD, that whole party is a nest of Venomous vipers. Of course, they’re turning on each other.

And of course some of their supporters have begun to turn on them. They’re beginning to figure out they’ve been played!

Here’s the deal. I would posit that the infighting will get a lot worse because they are now “the majority” in the House until Nov. 2024. BUT they have NO actual leader.

McCarthy is the “Speaker” in name only. So all of those snakes are free to attack each other at will and there’s NO line they won’t cross…and NO price to pay for crossing that line.

Last edited 1 year ago by Truthiz1
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