Comments on: GOP Hack Attacks Obama Daughters News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:52:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthizz Mon, 01 Dec 2014 18:23:25 +0000 Cosign with BD on every point made!!!

And trust. The last thing Lauten expected was any kind of backlash for her venomous attack on the childen of the first African-American President in U.S. history. She's a Repub. Disrespecting the President and his family is quite the norm for Lauten and her ilk.

The fact that she was anybody's *Communications Director* is a joke and says a lot about the person who hired her in the first place. The obvious and sad irony being that people like Lauten have absolutely NO class. None at all.

But hate? Now THAT …she's got an abundance of…..smh.

By: _DJ Mon, 01 Dec 2014 16:22:43 +0000 BREAKING NEWS:

Elizabeth Lauten has now resigned as communications director for GOP Rep. Stephen Fincher of Tennessee.

[youtube NGXeXFH28Os youtube]

My recent post Is Ferguson The Last Straw?

By: Mr. BD Mon, 01 Dec 2014 15:44:46 +0000 DJ don't you know all the past rules went out the window the day this black man got into the White House. They been attacking Obama, Michelle, calling them apes and everything but a child of God since they got there. No surprise now they don't have the decency to leave the kids alone. I think this woman should be fired or at least they should let Michelle go whoop her butt for talking about her babies.
