
GOP Hypocrisy In Herschel Walker Scandal

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To say there’s a bit of GOP hypocrisy regarding Republicans and US Senate candidate Herschel Walker of Georgia is nothing short of an understatement.

Politics :
The Republican Party has made it a decades-long mission to court Christian evangelicals. They cheered in the streets when the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade and made abortions illegal again. They called abortion “murder” and even went so far as to refer to fetuses as “unborn babies” that deserved all legal protections of born human beings.

GOP Hypocrisy

For years, the Grand Ol’ Party masqueraded as the party of moral values. However, just like kryptonite to Superman, their one glaring weakness has been exposed: POWER!

Yes, the GOP hypocrisy is that they are all for morality and “Christian” values — until it interferes with their hunger for power.

Such is the case with Herschell Walker and his recent moral scandal.

Like other Republicans, Walker has claimed to be 100% against abortion. In fact, the GOP backed him as their Senate candidate from Georgia based mostly on his announced moral values (and because he’s a Black man who they could put up against Sen. Raphael Warnock, another Black man).

However, when The Daily Beast provided receipts that Walker ditched his morals and paid for his girlfriend to have an abortion — and, Walker’s son took to social media to denounce his father as being a womanizer who fathered multiple children with multiple women, the Republican Party stood it’s moral ground and slammed Walker’s candidacy as invalid, right?


GOP Hypocrisy
Republicans Mitch McConnell, Newt Gingrich, Kevin McCarthy

Not surprisingly, the GOP hypocrisy is that the Republican Party heard the allegations against their candidate, saw the proof, and STILL coalesced around him. Morality and anti-abortion sentiment be damned.

But, why?


The Republican Party would rather retain power in the US Senate than hold one of their own candidates to the moral values they (and him) have regularly referred to as non-negotiable.

“Reverend Warnock’s running a nasty, dishonest campaign,” Walker said in a new ad about his Democratic challenger without ever mentioning he paid for his girlfriend to have an abortion.

“The Reverend doesn’t even tell my full story,” Walker cried as if that was Sen. Warnock’s job to do.

“As everyone knows, I had a real battle with mental health. Even wrote a book about it. And by the grace of God, I’ve overcome it,” Walker told Georgia voters in the hopes that they’d miraculously forget about his moral sidestep. “No one is perfect,” Walker continued. “I’m a sinner. We all sin before the glory of God, but every day I get up in the morning and I pray to God to let me do his will.”

Oh, boo hoo.

GOP Hypocrisy
Sen. Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker

So, did it work? Yep!

“I think Walker is the most important Senate candidate in the country because he’ll do more to change the Senate… by his deep commitment to Christ,” Republican stalwart Newt Gingrich said of Walker’s behavior before adding “He had a lot of concussions.”

Interestingly, Gingrich is not the only prominent Republican willing to look the other way if it means the Republican Party could gain a US Senate seat and therefore regain POWER of the upper chamber of Congress.



It’s unclear if Georgia voters will buy Walker’s position that his past doesn’t matter — and the GOP’s position that voters should selectively forget their morals for a moment and vote for Walker anyway. It’s unclear if Georgia voters will support a man who does the very things they march and fight against solely because he wears a Republican “R” on his chest.

However, one thing is crystal clear. The Republican Party has no real morals or values at all. The GOP hypocrisy is that they only care about POWER — and everything else comes in at a very distant second.

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
GOP hypocrisy and Herschel Walker.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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[ It’s unclear if Georgia voters will buy Walker’s position that his past doesn’t matter — and the GOP’s position that voters should selectively forget their morals for a moment and vote for Walker anyway. It’s unclear if Georgia voters will support a man who does the very things they march and fight against solely because he wears a Republican “R” on his chest.

However, one thing is crystal clear. The Republican Party has no real morals or values at all. ] – DJ

That is the absolute Truth! And here’s another absolute Truth. That disgraceful party hasn’t had any “real morals or values” since at least the Civil Rights era (50s – 60s).

The only difference now is that they no longer give a fig who knows it. Heck, judging by their words and deeds, I would posit that they’re d*mn proud of that fact!  

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

Repubs have completely revealed themselves on this now. Especially that one lady on Twitter that said she does not care if he killed baby eagles she just wants control of the senate. We were talking about this today at work. My boss was saying if a Dem came out and said they hate black people or they want to end gay rights that candidate would be done. Nobody would say they do not care as long as they get control of the senate. That is the big difference between these two parties.


One more thing. Even if Repubs got control of the senate Biden is still president. They can make up all the laws they want to. But unless he signs it then it will not happen. They want to throw away all the things they claim they are about just because of control? That means they are not really about those things in the first place.

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