Comments on: GOP Hypocrisy In Herschel Walker Scandal News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 10 Oct 2022 01:54:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr.BD Thu, 06 Oct 2022 18:22:46 +0000 One more thing. Even if Repubs got control of the senate Biden is still president. They can make up all the laws they want to. But unless he signs it then it will not happen. They want to throw away all the things they claim they are about just because of control? That means they are not really about those things in the first place.

By: Mr.BD Thu, 06 Oct 2022 18:20:18 +0000 Repubs have completely revealed themselves on this now. Especially that one lady on Twitter that said she does not care if he killed baby eagles she just wants control of the senate. We were talking about this today at work. My boss was saying if a Dem came out and said they hate black people or they want to end gay rights that candidate would be done. Nobody would say they do not care as long as they get control of the senate. That is the big difference between these two parties.

By: Truthiz1 Thu, 06 Oct 2022 13:19:02 +0000 [ It’s unclear if Georgia voters will buy Walker’s position that his past doesn’t matter — and the GOP’s position that voters should selectively forget their morals for a moment and vote for Walker anyway. It’s unclear if Georgia voters will support a man who does the very things they march and fight against solely because he wears a Republican “R” on his chest.

However, one thing is crystal clear. The Republican Party has no real morals or values at all. ] – DJ

That is the absolute Truth! And here’s another absolute Truth. That disgraceful party hasn’t had any “real morals or values” since at least the Civil Rights era (50s – 60s).

The only difference now is that they no longer give a fig who knows it. Heck, judging by their words and deeds, I would posit that they’re d*mn proud of that fact!  
