
GOP Investigations Into Democrats Are Dying

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Remember all those GOP investigations the new controlling party of the House of Representatives had promised? Well, they’re not going so well.

Politics :
When Republicans returned to the majority in the House, they promised a litany of GOP investigations into President Biden and the Biden family business, Beau Biden, the COVID-19 mandates from 3 years ago, and more. GOP Reps. James Comer of Kentucky and Jim Jordan of Ohio not only wanted to use their power to play politics with Democrats, but they were also out to seek revenge against the myriad investigations into Donald Trump during his Washington tenure.

GOP Investigations

Comer, Jordan, and the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene vowed to hold GOP investigations into Democrats nearly every single day. So, how’s that been going, you ask? Not well!

According to Vox, the GOP investigations not only appear to be flopping but don’t seem to be resonating among the American public. The problem? Republicans are digging for dirt where there simply is none.

To date, the GOP hasn’t uncovered one iota of proof regarding Hunter Biden’s laptop, a plot to control Americans via the COVID-19 pandemic, or an alleged government conspiracy designed to silence conservatives on Twitter.

Yes, the plan was to investigate it all and then expose the Democrats in a display of political prowess. Except, there’s just no there there.

Interestingly, a new poll has revealed that half of American adults believe Republicans are overreaching in their oversight of the Biden administration. This is up from the 46% who said so in a February poll and the 30% who said so in January. Independent voters are also growing in their belief that Republicans are overreaching with political stunts, while Republican support for the investigations remains steady.

GOP Investigations

“The American public is already tired of these,” Brad Woodhouse, a senior adviser to the Congressional Integrity Project, a group of Democratic operatives said. “I understand there’s some support within the Republican base, but the American public writ large are already tired of these extreme tactics.”

The Republican scheme to beat up on Democrats, expose President Biden and his family as criminals, prove a government conspiracy regarding the COVID-19 mandates, and then ride the winning wave all the way into the 2024 election appeared to be a good GOP plan on paper.

Too bad it was an appalling plan in reality.

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
GOP investigations are failing.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Lol…now DJ there you go again being much too kind to those Clowns. But that’s alright.

WE knew these investigations would amount to pretty much nothing. And these Clowns haven’t disappointed.


People are starting to see through Repubs bs. If Repubs get nothing done while they are in power and only out to get revenge they will lose in 2024.

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