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GOP Leader Eric Cantor Loses Re-election

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June 11, 2014

unbiased political news politics Republican

Unbiased Political News –
GOP Leader Eric Cantor Loses Re-election
Rumors of the demise of the Tea Party have been greatly exaggerated, as the extreme conservative wing of the Republican Party seized an opportunity to prove its might with a definitive win in last night’s election.

Unbiased Political News
In a surprise and stunning upset, the anti-establishment force of the GOP ousted long time House Majority Leader Eric Cantor with a win by political newcomer, Dave Brat.

unbiased political news politics Republican

Cantor, who is the 2nd most powerful House leader, is the highest-ranking Republican to lose renomination to a Tea Party challenger since the movement was born in 2010.  His primary defeat will likely go down as one of the most stunning in congressional history.

Last night, a dejected Cantor tried to maintain a stiff upper lip, saying that serving in Congress and as majority leader “has been one of the highest honors of my life” and that he would continue to promote the conservative cause. “It’s disappointing, sure. But I believe in this country. I believe there’s opportunity around the next corner for all of us,” he added.

Unbiased Political News
David Wasserman, an elections expert with the non-partisan Cook Political Report, wrote this analysis on the election results: “Cantor’s leadership position, unwillingness to prolong last October’s government shutdown, far-fetched attacks on Brat, and stylistic clash with Virginia’s gun-owning, very conservative 7th (district) all played a role in the ‘perfect storm’ of base anger that engulfed him.”

Could the ouster of Cantor be a haunting preview of what’s to come for Republicans in the upcoming midterm elections?

OK WASSUP! follows the unbiased political news of the day, 
including the electoral upset of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, 
who lost re-election to a Tea Party newcomer.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. First of all, congratulations to Dave Brat for winning the election. Cantor probably attracted the wrath of many due to his controversial antics, which is why he got ousted by Dave Brat.

  2. It is no doubt one of the biggest election upsets in recent times. Brat defeating Cantor in this particular election shows that perhaps Cantor did something to terribly upset certain people.

  3. I will admit, when the story first broke, I too saw it as a kind of "Tea Party Victory."

    Goodness knows that certainly is the easiest narrative for the UNinformed and incompetent American mainstream news media to peddle (especially CNN). God forbid they actually do a little fact-finding in order to report a more accurate story…smh.

    But then I sat and listened to interviews of Viginians who self-identify as Tea partiers, AND I listened to Virginia Repubs who actually ARE "in-the-know when it comes to Virginia Repub politics. According to those Repubs, there was NO such organized Tea Party "grass-roots" effort to get Brat elected. NONE. None at all.

    Brat was backed mostly by right-wing talk radio…in particular by the likes of Mark Levin and Laura Ingraham.

    Heck. Even Brat himself is reported to have expressed that He felt the chances of defeating Cantor were slim to none.

    I agree with those who say Brat's win is mostly due to there being a lot of pissed off Repub voters in Cantors district, who, by all indications couldn't wait to vote for ABC – "Anybody BUT Cantor."

    Add to that – a number of Dem voters crossed over to vote against Cantor, as they were strongly encouraged to do by Brat's people…..and you get last night's results.

  4. I think David Wasserman is right on the money. His analysis clearly points out why Cantor might have lost the election to Dave Brat.

    My congratulations go toward Dave Brat and my condolences are with Cantor.

  5. Also on a related note……

    The media's peddling of the "this is a referendum on immigration reform" narrative because "Cantor backed amnesty," kinda…sorta…doesn't ring quite true either.


    Because while Cantor was busy getting his political butt kicked in Virginia, just down the road "a piece," in South Carolina, Lindsey "Grahamnesty"….I mean Graham was busy defeating ALL of his right-wing challengers (I believe there were 6). And right-wingers don't call him Lindsey "Grahamnesty" for nothing.

    If I'm not mistaken- South Carolina has the distinction of being considered among the most..if not THE most "Conservative" (and Tea Party friendly) states.

    Something just AIN'T adding up???

  6. And one last thought……

    Re: Polling

    I admit. if you're name ain't Nate Siver, your polling results have NO credibility with me.

    But for politicians who believe in them, could someone…ANYONE…PULEEEEZE…point the Repubs in the direction of JUST ONE competent pollster?!

    Looks like Cantor used the same bunch that Mitt used for internal polling. And Mitt must've used the same bunch that McCain used. And all 3 candidates got the SAME results. They were going to 'WIN" ….and win BIG!!!

    Poor fellas…smh

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