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Republicans were swept into near obscurity the year Barack Obama became the first African-American President of the United States.  But they stuck to a strategy as “The Party Of NO” which took them from the brink of extinction in 2008 and into the winners circle in 2010.

Last night, Republicans popped champagne corks and celebrated a huge mid-term election victory across a number of political contests. They won several Governorships and upped their anty in the U.S. Senate.  But there was no bigger victory than winning back majority control of the U.S. House of Representatives, effectively firing Democrat Nancy Pelosi from the Speaker’s chair in favor of Republican Minority Leader John Boehner, who will assume the gavel and become the next Speaker of the House.

Barack Obama promised a more cooperative and bipartisan environment in Washington.  But Republicans had other thoughts in mind, opting to vote NO on any and everything Mr. Obama and the Democrats proposed.  It was an odd strategy at first.  But it appears now to have paid off in dividends, if only for selfish reasons and at the expense of Americans who desperately needed progress.  The GOP’s plan to “JUST SAY NO” to everything successfully clogged up solutions in Washington, prompting the short term memory of a voting electorate’s failure to hold Republicans responsible for anything, but instead to hold the party in power (Democrats) accountable for failing to get things done.

Now, Republicans can no longer hide in the shadows.  They asked for the keys to the kingdom and, at least partially, their request was granted.  Now, it’s put up or shut up.  Republicans must show they can govern.  Republicans must show they can get things done.  Republicans now own half the responsibility of the current economy, and share in half the responsibility of fixing it.  It’s a huge win for them in the short term, but a double-edged sword in the long run.  Now that Republicans hold greater power in Washington, they have no further excuse to deflect blame elsewhere regarding political gridlock.  If they are unable to get things done in 2010, the tables and the voting public will turn on them in 2012 — and just in time for Mr. Obama’s reelection bid.  And then, Democrats just may have the last laugh.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. DJ:"Now, it's put up or shut up.  Republicans must show they can govern.  Republicans must show they can get things done.  Republicans now own half the responsibility of the current economy, and share in half the responsibility of fixing it."*Sigh*…Me thinks you give the American people WAAAY too much credit DJ.Watching this whole thing play out as I have over the past 2 years, I'd say that going forward the Repubs really don't have to do anything more than what they've been doing…stick to the strategy of controlling the narrative by effectively using THE MEDIA, keep the President from getting ANYTHING done, further DIVIDE this country and demoralize Democratic voters. That's it.THAT strategy paid off for the Repubs. The American people voted them right back in despite ALL of the mess the GOP (courtesy of Bush & Cheney) is responsible for. The majority of American voters DON'T care!In short: The Repubs don't have to demonstrate that they KNOW anything about governing or have a plan to address anything. They simply have to show that a Democratic President CAN'T lead.H*ll. PALIN just may be this nation's next President 2012!?!

  2. Its sickening the Republicans believe everybody loves them and they have a mandate now. But truth is voters don't like Democrats or Republicans right now. Neither party got a lot done but Democrats were the fall guy. So I do blame them for holding control of every part of the government but still not pushing through their ideas. Of course the Republicans said no to everything which was to be expected. Dems just didn't get the job done so today they pay the cost. Now the news today is a Independent like NY Mayor Bloomberg would have more success than the current parties. That might be a good idea because today I don't like either one of them.

  3. I just watched Mr. Obama in a press conference from the White House. Although he seems to be a very intelligent man, I couldn't help but think how incredibly naive he must be too. Mr. Obama came into office with a wave of power and backers behind him. But in two short years it all seems squandered. Yesterday's loss to his party of this magnitude is a big deal. I don't know how he or his party didn't see this coming.

  4. I've said it before and I'll say it again; Absent a viable 3rd _or even 4th_Party, this country cannot move forward in any meaningful way.The 2-Party system is Killing us. I'm with BD, both parties make me ill.Also: I agree with Beth: How the President and the Dems didn't see any of this coming is beyond me!?!I certainly have not held back in my criticism of the President and the Dems whenever I felt it appropriate. But i gave the President too much credit in my thinking that he understood when he came into office that _IT'S.THE.ECONOMY.STUPID. If he wasn't going to address THAT concern FIRST (the #1 concern of most Americans) NOTHING else was going to matter! I gave him too much credit when i thought he would LEAD.

  5. Dems and Repubs have proved they are corrupt and can run nothing. A few strong independent candidates with no party affiliation are needed to run this country. 

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