Comments on: GOP POSTPONES CONVENTION News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: BD Mon, 27 Aug 2012 14:57:42 +0000 Michael Steele was only picked because hes black and Obama is black. Repubs needed a black stooge they could use to criticize the prez without looking like racists. Soon as they figured out he wasn't necessary they dropped him like a bad habit plain and simple. He is and always was a nobody to them.

By: Truthiz Mon, 27 Aug 2012 14:46:06 +0000 Beltway Confidential: "At RNC, Michael Steele is man who doesn’t exist"TAMPA — Republicans gathered at the University Club in downtown Tampa Saturday night to honor GOP chairman Reince Priebus.  The event was sponsored by the Wisconsin delegation, which of course represents Priebus’ home state, and the Mississippi delegation, home of former governor and former RNC chairman Haley Barbour. There were several major players there: Priebus himself, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Sen. Ron Johnson, Barbour and nephew Henry Barbour, former Virginia governor and former RNC chair Jim Gilmore, former chair Mike Duncan, and others.With the presence of Priebus, Barbour, Gilmore, and Duncan, the event featured the current and three former chairmen of the party.  But there was one very recent chairman who was nowhere to be found, and whose name didn’t come up: Michael Steele.“I have not been invited to the convention at all,” Steele says.  “Their view is, the less we talk about him, we don’t invite him, we ignore him — it just didn’t happen.  But those 63 seats in the House did happen.  They may want to ignore me, but they don’t want to ignore what I did.  It’s just sad.”“I would have loved to have been there to salute the work of the party and see former chairmen,” Steele adds.  “But I guess I’m not a member of that club.”As it happens, Steele is in Tampa, but only, he says, in his role as an analyst on MSNBC.  He won’t be attending any events in his role as former chairman. […]Read:…The truth is, the notion of *Black Repubs* in this modern-day era makes about as much sense to me as the notion of *Gay Repubs,* which makes absolutely NO sense to me at all. None. 🙁

By: Truthiz Mon, 27 Aug 2012 14:31:07 +0000 <span>WP Politics: "Michael Steele to RNC: 'Don’t blame me'.."</span><span></span><span></span>TAMPA — As Republicans reshuffle their convention schedule ahead of Tropical Storm Isaac, a key question has emerged: Why pick a state in Hurricane Alley in peak hurricane season for an all-important nominating convention where visuals are everything?Among the chattering classes, cable TV pundits and Republicans alike, one meme has emerged: It’s Michael Steele’s fault.Steele, who helmed the Republican National Committee for two years before he was voted out in January 2011, said it was “ridiculous” to blame him for the selection of Tampa as the host city for Mitt Romney's coronation.“These guys still want to pick over bones with me about the RNC — they didn’t like my style, but to blame the hurricane on me when they voted on it unanimously is amazing to me,” Steele said, noting that he doesn’t even have an invitation from the RNC to be in Tampa for the convention.“They sound like Barack Obama. Why is he always blaming Bush? Why are they always blaming me? Deal with it. The hand-wringing and fingerpointing is childish. They really need to grow up.” […]Read:…H/T; Booker RisingThe notion that these clowns are giving the President a race for his money really speaks VOLUMES about the REALITY of *race-relations* in this country. It's clear to me that the majority of White people in this country still can't handle seeing a Black man in the White House. I still believe the President is going to win be re-elected. By what margin? No one knows. But I do know this. Were the President a *White* man, NO WAY would this race be a virtual "dead-heat." It would be NO CONTEST. Period.

By: Truthiz Mon, 27 Aug 2012 13:36:34 +0000 Honestly BD, I couldn't live in "Nawlins" (my paternal grandmother's hometown). Katrina would have been enough for me!

By: BD Mon, 27 Aug 2012 12:29:48 +0000 Hahahaha thank you DJ. I said last week if the repubs got rained out I was gonna die laughing, now it came true. The only bad part is New Orleans could get hit again which is no laughing matter. I pray for safety for everybody in that area.
