Comments on: GOP Presidential Candidates In 2016 News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Tue, 07 Jul 2015 08:26:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Fri, 26 Jun 2015 11:54:40 +0000 Not a credible candidate among the whole sorry lot..and that includes Jeb…smh.

What's rather striking to me is – for years cable news media (especially CNN) touted Jeb as the "smart" brother. But frankly, from what I've observed of Jeb thus far…Nothting could be further from the truth.

Seriously. In terms of Jeb's intellect, or even his personality, for that matter..there just doesn't seem to be any *there* there. Which leads me to conclude that the only reason Jeb has a decent chance of winning the GOP nomination is because he's a *Bush* and (unless I'm mistaken) the #1 choice of the Repub establishment. That's it. Nothing else.

Re: Trump

As one writer put it "All jokes aside, the Republican Party is officially afraid of Donald Trump."

And they should be. The man has about as much credibility as ANY of the other GOP candidates which frankly speaks Volumes about the current state of the GOP.

Trump (the birther) knows that he has pretty much zero chance of winning the GOP nomination. But man can he do a tremendous amount of damage to the other candidates while he Entertains himself and the masses.

"The problem is that the GOP has become too radical to allow a good candidate to win the Party's nomination."

"This is what happens when you sell your party's soul to a bunch of hypocritical RWNJs."
