Comments on: GOP RACE HEATING UP News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 01 Jun 2011 01:41:53 +0000 AP Update: March 31, 2011Sarah Palin reached out to Donald Trump for a Tuesday-night dinner meeting in New York City, <span>ABC News's Michael Falcone reported</span>. On some levels, the meeting makes perfect sense. Both are favored by certain tea-partyish segments of the right; both have attacked President Obama as aggressively as anyone; both have polled over 10 percent in national Republican presidential primary surveys; both have managed to blur the line between politics and cultural iconography; both are reality TV stars.But beyond those surface similarities, what might Sarah Palin and Donald Trump actually have to say to one another in Tump's penthouse suite at Trump Tower? […]   The Atlantic.comHmmm. How bout this?"Have you ever seen bigger CHUMPS in your life?!…lol" (referring to the American political media and the people who $$$upport them).

By: Truthiz Tue, 31 May 2011 12:04:05 +0000 Quote of the Day"A CNN poll out Friday has Giuliani leading among likely or possible Republican contenders. Just like Donald Trump, it's an indication that Republican primary voters want anyone but Romney AND Palin.  How can the most recent VP nominee have so little support is the question that should be asked. Compare Palin and Romney to Clinton and Obama.  Their support wasn't transferable to other candidates.  Staunch Obama and Clinton supporters of course would vote for the eventual nominee but their support among their core supporters in the primaries was bedrock.  Where is that kind of support for Palin?  Her so-called loyal supporters have shown to be willing to dump her for Trump, Herman Cain, Huckabee and now Giuliani. These Tea Party folks are not devoted to Palin; they are devoted to hatred and defeat of Obama.  Please stop comparing Palin now to Obama in 2007.  Voters didn't know Obama, but the more they got to know, the more they liked.  Palin has been the opposite; the more voters have gotten to know her the more they dislike.  That's a fact you can't seem to accept. […] – Daily Dish CommenterDJ:"Is Sarah Palin exactly what the GOP has been waiting for? Or is it virtually safe for President Obama to start planning state dinners for his 2nd term?"The answer is No and No. A Palin presidential run is exactly what the DEMOCRATS are hoping for. However, I honestly don't think she's actually going to run. She knows she doesn't stand a chance against Pres. Obama. But she's got a lucrative gimmick going. She'll milk it for as long as she can. I believe the President has a good shot at being re-elected. BUT he can't afford to take anything for granted. Too many Americans are still unemployed and underemployed. It's still about the ECONOMY and IMO he needs to do a better job of addressing that critical issue.His good fortune thus far is that the GOP is in such a sorry state of bitterness, confusion, disarray and weakness.
