Current Events

GOP Radio Host: ‘Obama Used Secret Muslim Code In SOTU Address’

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January 28, 2015

current events Republican racism Fox News

If there was ever any question that the Republican Party is filled with a bunch of mentally deranged racists,  the crazed rant of one right-wing conservative has almost certainly removed all doubt.

Current Events
Sandy Rios of the anti-gay American Family Association is so convinced (even still) that President Obama is a Muslim, she has boldly gone public with claims that the president slipped secret Islamic, subliminal messages into last week’s State of the Union Address.  Say what???

Rios made the outlandish comments on her radio program during a botched analysis of the annual presidential address, suggesting that Mr. Obama’s use of the word “pillars” is proof-positive that he indeed intends to undermine America with Islam.

current events Republican racism Fox News“The president prefers, defers to the Islamic world, he defers to the Islamic extremists in the Muslim World,” Rios said. “The other thing he said that I caught, he has done this before, you know there are five pillars of Islam, and used the term “pillars” again in his speech.”

Although Rios never fully explained how the use of a standard word like “pillars” is some mystical Islamic code to Muslims, she did fail to acknowledge that former President George W. Bush must also be a Muslim too, since he outlined ‘Three Pillars’ of security during a 2008 speech in London.

Current Events
Barack Obama has been President of the United States for 6 years now, yet despite all the racially-charged conspiracy claims against him Muslims have not overtaken the White House, Sharia law has not replaced the constitution and the zombie apocalypse has not eaten the brains of every living man, woman and child.  Barack Obama is in fact an American born citizen, is the legally elected President of the United States and like it or not and despite the color of his skin, will continue to be president for the 2 remaining years of his elected term.

OK WASSUP! tracks the current events of the day, including a 
GOP radio host’s claims that President Obama used 
secret Muslim code during his State of the Union Address.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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