Current Events

GOP Trick Up The Sleeve

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Republicans spent most of last week fanning the flames under the IRS scandal.  However the IRS is the least of their worries, as Democrats believe the GOP is actually after a much bigger fish:  ObamaCare!

The GOP never wanted universal health care for all.  They fought against it tooth and nail during the Clinton administration and fought even harder when Mr. Obama chose to make it the centerpiece of his presidency.  When the bill passed, Republicans tried every trick in the book to repeal it.  Now, they believe the IRS scandal has provided them with their best chance yet to stop it dead in its tracks.

The Internal Revenue Service will have a major role in carrying out President Obama’s signature health care law, since financial assistance to help the uninsured afford coverage will go through the tax system. Also, the IRS will be the government agency responsible for assessing penalties against individuals and employers who fail to comply with the law’s requirements.

If they can successfully paint the IRS as too scandal ridden to administer ObamaCare, Republicans believe they can at least delay it’s start — which would buy them time to possibly regain the senate and then the power to repeal the law.

Tricky, huh?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. I wouldn't put it past Repubs to pull a stunt like this. Still isn't hurting Obama though since his approval is at 53 %.

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