Comments on: GOP Warning From Political Analysts News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Tue, 17 Jan 2023 04:40:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Wed, 11 Jan 2023 19:47:52 +0000 In reply to Mr.BD.

“They mixed water, oil, gas, matches to make up the Repubs so of course it is not going to work. I like watching it all fall apart.”

But BD here’s the thing – WE don’t want them to destroy Our country in the process!

And that’s Exactly what Far-right elites want.

By: Mr.BD Wed, 11 Jan 2023 18:07:20 +0000 In reply to Truthiz1.

Hey Truth you are so right. I think last week woke a lot of people up and they saw all the crazy stuff with their own eyes. But that was just the start of what is coming. Like Scarborough said this is nothing but a gift to Dems in 2024.

By: Mr.BD Wed, 11 Jan 2023 18:05:04 +0000 No big surprise here. Repubs screwed up by letting everybody see how nutty they are behind closed doors. The best part is Dems did not have to do a thing but sit there and look professional. They mixed water, oil, gas, matches to make up the Repubs so of course it is not going to work. I like watching it all fall apart.

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 11 Jan 2023 14:45:57 +0000 DJ, my friend, you are on a roll this week!

I don’t know how many readers you have but I hope they’re all checking in and reading your posts this week because We The Majority of The People need to pay attention to this stuff.

The damage Far-right elites can, AND WILL, do to Our country, via House Repubs, is real unless they are STOPPED dead in their tracks!

And we (the Dems and the majority of Americans) had better recognize!

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 11 Jan 2023 14:17:05 +0000 Former editor-in-chief Gerard Baker of The Wall Street:
“The Republicans meanwhile, are about to embark on yet another orgy of self-mutilation, one that may make last week’s Grand Guignol in the House look positively amicable,” he continued. – H/t: DJ

“This is such colossally bad politics,” MSNBC host Joe Scarborough said in his GOP warning just as Republicans continued their clown show at their own peril. “These kooks are going to slash the defense budget, and they’re going to allow the Democrats in the Senate and Joe Biden to be the protectors of America’s defense.

“They are going to war with the intelligence community. They’re attacking the FBI and the CIA. In the fever swamps of Trumpism, they go, ‘let’s crush the intel community, let’s crush the deep state.’

He added: “They (Republicans) support a full-scale war of the men and women who are the professionals in our intel communities. Good luck selling that in ’24. You have just made Joe Biden’s day. Can you really get any dumber politically?” – H/t: DJ

The answer is a resounding YES! …Yes they can!
