GOP’s Plan To ‘Steal’ Elections
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again — or keep changing the rules until they’re loaded in your favor. At least that’s what the GOP is planning to do.
Yes, you read correctly. The butt whipping that Mitt Romney took in the 2012 presidential election has frightened the GOP into realizing that if it can’t win fair and square, its only hope is to put in the fix with a little “vote-rigging.” RNC Chairman Reince Priebus says that he wishes to change the electoral map and thereby load future electoral outcomes in his party’s favor.
Here’s how the little Republican scheme would work: In 6 critical states, the GOP wants to scrap the current “winner take all” system in favor of basing the electoral vote on individual congressional districts won. For example, in the last election Mitt Romney won 12 of Pennsylvania’s 18 congressional districts and President Obama won 6. Although Romney won more districts, the areas Mr. Obama won were more populated, meaning he carried the entire state. But the GOP wants to change all that, allocating electoral votes down to congressional districts instead of whole states.
If this scheme had been in effect in 2012, President Obama would have won only 262 electoral votes instead of 332 and Mitt Romney would have won 273 electoral votes instead of 206. Or in other words, we’d now have a President Romney instead of Obama.
“It’s something that a lot of states that have been consistently blue that are fully controlled red ought to be looking at,” Priebus said.
The GOP tricksters have covered all bases. Instead of focusing their plan on less populated states like Montana and Wyoming, they intend to target the delegate rich states of Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Virginia — all states President Obama handily won in 2008 and 2012. Priebus believes that if he can somehow rig the voting rules in those states, his party will at least have a fighting chance of winning another presidential election. Hmmm…
The Republican plan to change voting laws prior to the last election by requiring certain forms of ID didn’t work. Their scheme to discourage minority voters away from the polls by cutting back on early voting and creating mile long voting lines didn’t work. So, they’ve created this new plan in the hopes that somewhere along the line, cheating will eventually pay off!