Gorilla Killed When Child Falls In Pen

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Gorilla Killed When Child Falls In Pen
An endangered gorilla was killed at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden, after a 4-year-old child fell into the pen. Who was at fault?
Current Events
The young boy reportedly climbed through a public barrier at Gorilla World around 4pm on Saturday at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden, then fell into the exhibit’s moat. Although 2 female primates inside the exhibit were recalled immediately, a male remained in the yard with the child. The Zoo’s Dangerous Animal Response Team responded to the life-threatening situation and made the difficult decision to shoot “Harambe.”
“The Zoo security team’s quick response saved the child’s life. We are all devastated that this tragic accident resulted in the death of a critically endangered gorilla,” said Zoo Director Thane Maynard. “This is a huge loss for the Zoo family and the gorilla population worldwide.”
The child was immediately transported to Children’s Hospital Medical Center and was alert. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and little boy,” Maynard said.
The Zoo reopened for Memorial Day, but Gorilla World remains closed until further notice.
Now, all sides are weighing in with impassioned opinions on where blame should lie.
— Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) May 29, 2016
If your kid purposefully falls into a gorilla cage, you should just tell your kid goodbye. That’s called Darwinism.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) May 29, 2016
How was the gorilla enclosure not child proof? You’re dealing with an endangered species & yet you’ve made it possible for kids to fall in?
— Zelda Williams (@zeldawilliams) May 29, 2016
For the record, the parents are absolutely partially at fault, but it shouldn’t have been possible, unsupervised or otherwise.
Some are blaming the mother for allowing the child to go unsupervised long enough to crawl inside an active primate pen. Some are blaming the zoo for the security breach that would even make it possible for a child to crawl inside and gain access. Others are saying that “Harambee” was actually trying to protect the child, was not a threat and should have been tranquilized instead of shot in the head.
Who’s right?
Some are blaming the mother for allowing the child to go unsupervised long enough to crawl inside an active primate pen. Some are blaming the zoo for the security breach that would even make it possible for a child to crawl inside and gain access. Others are saying that “Harambee” was actually trying to protect the child, was not a threat and should have been tranquilized instead of shot in the head. [….]
My partner and I have gone back and forth debating the very question DJ asked: "Who was at fault?"
I blame the mother, first and foremost, for being so careless and irresponsible with her young child in the first place.
I blame the zoo for failing to have taken security measures to ensure that NO child (or small person) could "crawl inside and gain access" to Gorilla World. My guess is, that's being corrected with a quickness!
I'm not blaming the zoo, however, for their decision to kill the Gorilla before he could have possibly seriously injured or killed the child – Not because he was trying to harm the child but because he didn't know his own strength while dragging the poor child around.
Just a really sad story that could've ended even more tragic.
I almost didn't see this story at first. You haven't done two articles on the same day in a while DJ. But I'm glad you spoke on this. I say everybody is to blame for what happened. The child told the mother he wanted to climb into the place where the gorilla was so she should have known then to keep a eye on him. She needs to go to jail for being a bad mother. Also the zoo should be sued or something for even having a place where a child could get in the gorilla house. That gorilla is the real victim because he was just doing what a gorilla does. It's not his fault a child climbed in and the zoo had a place he could get it. It's sad he was killed but it wasn't his fault. Mother and zoo should be to blame.
I'm not sure why blame has to be placed. Oh, I forgot this is America. . . where we must litigate everything! Why can't the takeaway just be there needs to be stronger barriers in the primate area, children can and will get away even with the best supervision, and the zoo took swift decisive action to make sure a CHILD wasn't harmed or killed? Does blaming the parents make the outcome any different? Freak things happen and this was just one of those said things. Grateful to God for His covering of the child! All the "perfect" people who always get it right. . . it must be nice to be YOU!!
blame has to be place so it dont happen again. mothers have to watch they kids and that zoo need to fix that hole.
Cincinnati zoo just fixed the area where the kid crawled in. They're still gettin a lawsuit.