
Government Shutdown Of 2023 + Democrats

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The impending government shutdown of 2023 is about to work politically perfectly for Democrats — and, here’s why:

Politics :
Yesterday, we reported that House Republicans are infighting, stabbing each other in the back, and putting all their energy into seeking revenge for Donald Trump rather than governing the country. Several are also doing everything possible to get Kevin McCarthy removed as House Speaker. Meanwhile, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and the Democrats have been sitting back, remaining silent, and allowing the GOP civil war to play out in real time and for the party to implode for all to see. Through it all, they’ve remained solid and unified.

Government Shutdown Of 2023

Now, with the government shutdown of 2023 only 10 days away and with Republicans discombobulated and about as far away from agreeing to a deal (just among themselves) as possible, Leader Jeffries and his party are holding all the cards. Oh, but at some point, Speaker McCarthy and the “Freedom Caucus” Republicans will realize just how much they need the Democrats and will soon come a’ knockin’.

After watching Republicans conspire to deliberately tank a procedural vote on Pentagon spending, Democrats have since accepted the obvious: There will be a shutdown. The only unknown is how long it will be.  

Still, the current family feud involving Republicans is their dog fight for them to settle amongst themselves. After all, they are in control of the House — and America’s voters are watching.

In 10 days, the US government will shut down due to the inability of the Republican Party to keep it open. Federal benefits such as social security will go unpaid to those who may need it most. Federal social services programs will come to a screeching halt. TSA agents and other government employees will walk off the job due to lack of payment. And, Republicans will be caught looking like a pack of deers in headlights with nowhere to point the fingers of blame except back at themselves.

government shutdown of 2023
Democratic House Leadership

“The White House and Democrats negotiated in good faith with Speaker McCarthy, shook hands, and reached a deal this summer to prevent the very quagmire in which America now finds itself,” one House Democrat said of the agreement McCarthy was forced to backpedal on by his constituents. “The only thing Democrats should be more vocal about is our disgust that the deal was so brazenly breached.”

“If [McCarthy] has to let some blood out and shut the government down, OK. But we all know that ultimately what’s going to happen is going to be some sort of bipartisan deal here,” another Democratic member added.

As the Republican House of Cards prepares to come crashing down with the government shutdown of 2023, POLITICO described it all best:

“With Democrats on the Hill happy to sing from the Biden administration’s hymnal, partisans on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue are sitting back, watching the chaos and working to make sure that no matter what happens, Republicans bear the blame for the shutdown.

Eventually, Republicans will accept that they have neither the votes nor a viable plan to continue to run the US government. Then, they’ll be left with no alternative but to agree to work with Democrats on a bipartisan deal — possibly even the same deal both sides created earlier this summer.

Government Shutdown Of 2023
Rep. Hakeem Jeffries

That’s when Leader Hakeem Jeffries and the Democrats will chuckle to themselves and laugh all the way into the election of 2024.

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Democrats will win the government shutdown of 2023.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Then, they’ll be left with no alternative but to work with Democrats on a bipartisan deal – possibly even the same deal both sides created earlier this summer. […]

DJ, you read my mind because that’s Exactly what I was thinking!

Look. McCarthy had better face it. He has a real mess on his hands and Yes, he did it to himself. He was so desperate to become Speaker that he literally put himself in a straight-jacket with that insane “deal” he struck with the Creatures (right-wing nutjobs, morons and dimbulbs) in his own party. Good luck with that! /facetious

Last edited 1 year ago by Truthiz1

Repubs were in the same situation before. They shut down the government then people got upset about it. Why they keep doing this over and over again but not learning anything is crazy. Jeffries is doing right by letting them hang themselves.

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