Graham Urges GOP: ‘Support Trump’

Politics –
Graham Urges GOP: ‘Support Trump’
“He’s a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot.”
“He doesn’t represent my party. He doesn’t represent the values that the men and women who wear the uniform are fighting for.”
“Donald Trump is a jackass. He’s bringing his name down, he’s not helping the process, and he shouldn’t be Commander-In-Chief.”
“I’d rather lose without Donald Trump than try to win with him. I wish he would leave the party. I don’t care if he runs as an independent. If we lose the 2016 election, so be it.”
“You know how you make America great again? Tell Donald Trump to go to hell.”
Those are the words GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham used in December to describe the man who appears imminent to become the Republican nominee for president. Now…not so much.
At the time, Trump was hitting then presidential challenger Graham with a plethora of scathing attacks. However, it now seems that the South Carolina senator has had a dramatic change of heart and is suddenly softening his tone on “The Donald.”
Last week, Graham revealed that he and Trump talked things out and had “a good conversation.”
“I must say he reached out, number one,” Graham said. “And I was glad to talk to him.”
Trump’s words must have been as golden as the water faucets inside Trump Tower, because by Saturday, Graham was at a Florida fundraiser urging donors and his fellow Republicans to unite behind the real estate mogul so as to keep the party intact — and Hillary Clinton out of the Oval Office. The surprise 180 degree turn wasn’t an official public endorsement (Graham says he has no plans to give one), but it may have very well been.
So what made the senator change his tone?
“Trump asked really good questions” during their conversation, he said.
“I think he’s reconsidering a little bit about what to do in Syria,” Graham added. “I don’t know if Hillary Clinton — what will Hillary Clinton do different than President Obama? President Obama has no strategy to destroy ISIL.”
So, ONE conversation with a few “really good questions” is all it takes to create a complete reversal of opinion???
“You have to draw the conclusion that there is some distance, if not a disconnect, between party leaders and members of Congress and the many voters who have selected Donald Trump to be the nominee of the party,” Sen. John McCain said in joining Graham’s support of Trump while warning his congressional colleagues to fall in line. “You have to listen to people that have chosen the nominee of our Republican party. I think it would be foolish to ignore them.”
Well, there’s at least one Republican left who doesn’t care what anyone says and still intends to follow his heart…he will NOT under ANY circumstance support Donald Trump.
“If the Republican Party wants to go in his direction, I guess I’m not a Republican anymore,” said Erick Erickson, conservative blogger and editor in chief of Redstate.com.
Erickson said he wouldn’t be able to stomach voting for Trump. “I think it’s going to be a pretty big loss for Donald Trump in November, and down-ballot devastation for Republicans.”
Since news of Graham’s reversal went viral, the senator himself now claims he never gave Trump a public endorsement (the key word here being “public”). However, attendees at the Republican event remain adamant that Graham did indeed ask the party to unite behind Trump, which means Graham is likely playing loose with the truth.
So, what happened to Lindsay Graham to make him change his mind? Is it possible some money may have changed hands? Take a look at the video below, where Graham completely body slammed Trump with his words only a few short months ago — then tell us what you think!
I have been saying for quite a few years now that there is nothing Conservative about the Republican party. That party stands for nothing of substance at all because the party leaders stand for absolutely Nothing of substance at all.
Lindsey Graham…and other Repub leaders like him….have no shame to their game. They never have. They sold their souls a long time ago.
Whether one agrees with Erickson's right-wing politics or not. Erickson believes in what he says he believes in. He's NOT wishy-washy. And now he…and other right-wingers like him…are forced to finally accept the truth about the Republican party.
There is NO there…there. That party stands for absolutely Nothing at all.
Oh boy this guy is a piece of work. How do you go from calling the man everything but a child of God then all a sudden backing him? That video says it all. Truth you are right these Repubs stand for nothing. They have no back bone to stick to what they believe in. Because they don't really believe in anything. All they want is to block the Dems and that's it. So sad what they have become.
Interesting to see how easy it was for Trump to take over the Republican party, effectievly putting an end to ANY such notion that that party is the party of "Conservatism."
HAH. Puleeze! That's finished.
Repubs who support Trump can never make such a claim again. Not with a straight face anyway.
But what's also interesting to me is watching the neoCons fracture among themselves because of Trump. NeoCons. Those blood-thirsty, little war-mongering (mostly) DRAFT-dodging fake alpha dogs whose claim to INFAMY was America's illegal invasion of Iraq following the 9/11 attacks.
NeoCons like little Billy Kristol, who is so fearful of a Trump presidency Kristol can't seem to let go of the fantasy that there is still time for a third-party "ANTI-Trump" candidate to run. Though even Kristol admits that it AIN'T gonna happen.
TAC Reader:
They (Neocons) don’t dislike Trump, strictly speaking–they fear him. Specifically, they fear that true Straussianism will wither away in the Trumpian state. True Straussians are nihilists, and so power and proximity to power is their ultimate value. […]
And one last thought……….
I do wonder how paleoCons who support Trump will fare if Trump loses in November?…or (dare I say) if wins the presidency and then goes on to do so much more damage to this country and our reputation around the world?
Unlike Lindsay Graham and most Repub political posers, Buchanan is widely considered to be a genuine, ultra-right-wing Conservative intellectual heavy-weight. So why would he take such a high-rsk gamble on supporting Trump knowing what's at stake?
It's simple. Buchanan fears his White country slipping away from him and *his people.* He figures better to cast his nativist lot with a "great White Hope" like Trump hoping and praying a Trump presidency will halt the *Blackening* and *Browning* of HIS country.
For at least a little while longer.
If you back Trump your not a member of my party. End of story.
Thurs. May 26, 2016
"Trump Top Advisor: VP Will Do the Part of the Job Trump Doesn’t Want"
I called this several weeks ago.
While everyone is speculating on who Trump may choose as his running mate, we should all be in heavy prayer and meditation that it’s somebody competent.
Because that is who will be running our country, should Trump manage to get through the barrage of attacks about to be dropped on him by the Clinton machine.
In a fantasy rant with Huffington Post's Howard Fineman, Trump advisor, Paul Manafort, got into several particulars about how Trump would win the election and how he would lead the nation, as president.
Some of the highlights of the interview include mention of Trump’s position on banning Muslims:
“’He’s already started moderating on that,’ Manafort said. ‘He operates by starting the conversation at the outer edges and then brings it back towards the middle. Within his comfort zone, he’ll soften it some more.’”
In other words, he feeds a line of BS, then bends.
As for doing the job the American people are supposedly voting for him to do:
“The vice presidential pick will also be part of the process of proving he’s ready for the White House,’ Manafort said.‘He needs an experienced person to do the part of the job he doesn’t want to do. He seems himself more as the chairman of the board, than even the CEO, let alone the COO.’”
This unserious, unqualified, reality TV charlatan has no intention of actually doing the job of president. He just wants the status that comes along with the title.
Elections have consequences, and every day it seems another boxcar is added to this train wreck. [….] Susan Wright, RedState writer
….in response to "Trump Top Advisor: VP Will Do the Part of the Job Trump Doesn’t Want"
RS Reader:
Trump wants all of the power and pageantry and none of the work. Big surprise there. Which convinces me all the more that his candidacy was a lark that got completely out of hand. […]
RS reader:
Based on the names we have heard thus far, the best we can hope for is Newt. And he only amounts to the clown with the least amount of grease paint and smallest red nose. […]