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Once upon a time the GOP stood for the GRAND OLD PARTY.  But lately the Republican Party has been anything but “grand” and is now in fact a party in turmoil.  Infighting between varying factions, lack of an identity or a legitimate leader, and a far right conservative message that’s having difficulty connecting with up and coming new generations, the GOP appears to be outdated, obsolete, out of control and on a downward spiral to crash and burn. 

Exactly when, how, and why did the great meltdown of one of the major political parties in America begin?  Where can blame be placed? Eight years of the failed George W. Bush presidency is certainly a huge factor.  But there has to be more.  The Republican party is primarily 3 parties in one:  the FISCAL CONSERVATIVES (no to affirmative action, yes to tax cuts for the wealthy, yes to trickle-down economics); the CHRISTIAN COALITION (no to gays, no to abortion, and other 21st Century ways of thinking); and the SOUTHERN RACIAL SEGREGATIONISTS (dislikes blacks, mexicans, jews, etc.).  Each of these factions have their own strengths and followings,  and each wants the party run “their” way with “their leader.  But that sort of clash is bound to be catastrophic.
Right now there’s a tug-of-war brewing within the Republican party for exactly which wing will control the GOP, and it’s getting nasty.  Many Republicans simply do not like, respect, or want Michael Steele as their leader, and he has quickly become a whipping boy and scapegoat for the party’s ills.  But in light of Steele’s embarrassing rhetorical flourishes to his bizarre public fight with Rush Limbaugh, he certainly hasn’t helped much.  He recently compared Republicans to drunks in need of a 12-step program and to the mentally ill.  And he has promised a “hip-hop makeover” that would attract even “one-armed midgets” to his party.  “I’m trying to move an elephant that’s become mired in its own muck,” Mr. Steele said in an interview last week in his  Capitol Hill office.  Naturally the other Republican factions were not amused.
Why Chairman Steele feels compelled to recreate the GOP into the “hip hop” party is an absolute mystery, and it calls into question the very motives behind his ascension to chairman.  Was he propped up as sort of a “Republican Obama?”   Did someone in GOP-Land think putting a brown face on the Republican brand would somehow make it more appealing?  Already Steele’s pledge to recruit black voters is in question. Raynard Jackson, a Republican consultant, said that he and fellow African-Americans are glad about Mr. Steele’s election but uneasy about its timing. It looks too much like “let’s get a black person out there and let him attack the first black president,” Mr. Jackson said.  Last week, Ada Fisher, one of a handful of black Republican National Committee members and a persistent critic of Mr. Steele’s, called on him to resign, arguing in an e-mail message to the entire committee that he “makes us frankly appear to many blacks as quite foolish.”
It can’t be easy being the first African-American to lead the Republican party, but many within the party are already laying in wait to watch him fail.  Said one conservative critic of Steele:  “Michael Steele wanted to be a priest, but that didn’t work out. He wanted to be a successful lawyer, but that didn’t work out. He wanted to run a consulting firm, but that didn’t work out. Steele parlayed this ‘success’ into a role as Maryland’s Lieutenant Governor, but that didn’t work out, either — he was booted out after one term, and didn’t follow through on his own hand-picked projects. He then wanted to be a U.S. senator, but that didn’t work out.  Remind me, why did the Republican National Committee pick Steele as its chairman?”


Katon Dawson, who came in second in the January RNC vote, is said to be quietly organizing a vote and is getting the support of several state party chairmen who want to dump Steele.  But if she’s successful, then what?  Just who exactly is the REAL leader of the Republican Party?  Is it former President George W. Bush?  Is it failed Republican candidate John McCain?  Is it 2012 hopefuls Sarah Palin or Bobby Jindal?  Is it conservative bullhorn Rush Limbaugh?  Which faction of the party will prevail?  And once a true leader is determined will their message and ideology be enough to keep the party relevant and competitive, particularly within the 21st Century and amidst a new generation of voters?  As CNN’s Jack Cafferty recently put it:  “The Republican Party is marching double-time down the road to irrelevancy and they don’t even know it!”
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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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who cares about the republicans anyway? there stuck in a time warp so let em die a slow death.


Wassup" DJ!First time visitor to your site: You wrote: "Remind me, why did the Republican National Committee pick Steele as its chairman?"Whelp…lol.As I recall, The rethugs neededs their own "magic Negro" to take on Pres. "O", a man they FEAR and despise and cynically regard as "the magic negro" of the Democratic party. It came down to Ken Blackwell, a REAL soc-Con Talibangelical vs Mike Steele, a MODERATE _and so-called "great communicator"_ POSING as a soc-Con and "great communicator"(?)_SMH. PO fella.Anyway. To answer your question:"Just who exactly is the REAL leader of the Republican Party?" The Rethugs don't have a "party leader" because they no longer have a political party. Instead, it's devolved into a theocratic, neoCON, corporatist-fascist cult. Many members_if not most_ of the Rethuglican hierarchy are as BACKWARDS and UNintelligent as "the base." IOW: It's a DEAD party walking. So um_I'm thinking, by now, it really makes NO… Read more »


Whoevers pre writing the Republican obit saying it will fail is just nuts. The GOP IS the Grand Ole Party and will always thrive. If anybody will fail its that smooth talking socialist in a suit Barak Hussein Obama.


Wow! I suspected THEY (the Repubs) are really SCARED of President BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA _(see the name HUSSEIN doesn't scare anyone BUT REICH-wingers)_and now they're actually going out of their way to CONFIRM IT!?!Pretty much everything they SAY and DO gives them away. BTW: I have NO interest in: "Pre-writing the Republican obit". THAT would be NO fun. I mean_despite that it IS a DEAD party walking, I prefer to see its demise play out slooowly. And um_I know reich-wingers like to throw that word "socialist" out there especially when referring to President BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, even though they know it ain't so_OH WAIT!I almost forgot: Reich-wingers don't THINK for themselves. In fact they don't THINK at all. They simply swallow WHOLE whatever BS Rush and his ilk spew__so in that case_nevermind.


OMG. His name is Hussein? How scary. NOT. Boss Rush tells them his a socialist? How will we cope? Spare me. The RepubliCON party is so starved for any good ideas they'll throw out buzzwords like socialist and think having Muslim relatives is a bad thing. All the have is bigotry and failed ideas. Give up social security and medicare, THEN we'll talk about socialism.The Republican party is dead. It's a zombie party. Plain and simple. You know how you can tell a president is doing a good job? When slime like Eric Cantor, Hannity, Coulter, and Rush hate him. The more the idiots who got us into this mess mewl and moan, the more ecstatic I am. After they destroyed everything they deserve to rot in the political wilderness for the next generation.

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