Comments on: THE GREAT GOP MELTDOWN News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 08:00:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: DJ Fri, 13 Mar 2009 01:15:00 +0000 TO "Anonymous":It's unfortunate to see you step backwards and rehash all the same old terms and name calling I thought the country moved past on January 20th. To use the muslim card by stating the name "Hussein", or calling the President a "socialist" is only proof positive that the Republican party is desperate and pulling at straws. If the party could truly fight him on the issues they would. Instead the GOP is stuck with name calling, grandstanding, and all the same old tricks that lost them the November election in the first place. When will they ever learn…

By: DJ Fri, 13 Mar 2009 01:09:00 +0000 TO "Truthiz" and "Lily":Welcome to OKWASSUP! And thank you both for your insightful posts. I know this is your first visit here, but hopefully it won't be your last. We cover the most current and hottest topics here, and as you can see it sometimes gets a bit heated with the comments. Your presence will be welcome on future topics. Consider subscribing to the site or even becoming a "FOLLOWER" by clicking the box at the upper right corner of this screen. Then you'll always know "WASSUP!"

By: Lily Fri, 13 Mar 2009 00:13:00 +0000 OMG. His name is Hussein? How scary. NOT. Boss Rush tells them his a socialist? How will we cope? Spare me. The RepubliCON party is so starved for any good ideas they'll throw out buzzwords like socialist and think having Muslim relatives is a bad thing. All the have is bigotry and failed ideas. Give up social security and medicare, THEN we'll talk about socialism.The Republican party is dead. It's a zombie party. Plain and simple. You know how you can tell a president is doing a good job? When slime like Eric Cantor, Hannity, Coulter, and Rush hate him. The more the idiots who got us into this mess mewl and moan, the more ecstatic I am. After they destroyed everything they deserve to rot in the political wilderness for the next generation.

By: truthiz Thu, 12 Mar 2009 20:28:00 +0000 Wow! I suspected THEY (the Repubs) are really SCARED of President BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA _(see the name HUSSEIN doesn't scare anyone BUT REICH-wingers)_and now they're actually going out of their way to CONFIRM IT!?!Pretty much everything they SAY and DO gives them away. BTW: I have NO interest in: "Pre-writing the Republican obit". THAT would be NO fun. I mean_despite that it IS a DEAD party walking, I prefer to see its demise play out slooowly. And um_I know reich-wingers like to throw that word "socialist" out there especially when referring to President BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, even though they know it ain't so_OH WAIT!I almost forgot: Reich-wingers don't THINK for themselves. In fact they don't THINK at all. They simply swallow WHOLE whatever BS Rush and his ilk spew__so in that case_nevermind.

By: Anonymous Thu, 12 Mar 2009 19:47:00 +0000 Whoevers pre writing the Republican obit saying it will fail is just nuts. The GOP IS the Grand Ole Party and will always thrive. If anybody will fail its that smooth talking socialist in a suit Barak Hussein Obama.
