Great New Satirical Impeachment Piece

If you’re as baffled as the rest of us at just how some Americans are “unclear” about the Trump impeachment facts and the evidence against him, you need to read a great, new, satirical impeachment piece that will either have you laughing in stitches or shaking your head in disbelief.
Entitled “I DON’T KNOW WHO TO BELIEVE IN THIS IMPEACHMENT HEARING” by Devorah Blachor for, this great, new, satirical impeachment piece will make you think by comparing facts with good, old-fashioned basic logic.
For example, it begins:
This impeachment is so confusing. Both sides are making contradictory claims and it’s almost impossible to know who to trust.
On the one hand, you have George Kent, a career Foreign Service officer whose entire family served in the armed forces, including an uncle who was at Pearl Harbor and survived the Bataan Death March, and on the other hand, you have a bone spurs draft dodger whose dad got arrested at a KKK riot.
There’s this fellow Bill Taylor who served as a Captain and company commander in Vietnam and who was awarded a Bronze Star, but then again, Donald Trump’s first wife Ivana and numerous other women have said that he sexually assaulted them.
If only American politics weren’t so partisan, I might be able to make sense of it all, but I can’t.
The great, new, satirical impeachment piece continues its tongue-in-cheek prose:
What sounds more believable? That career diplomats with everything to lose would make up a story implicating the most powerful man in America? Or that the president’s butt-dialing, criminal-loving lawyer was involved in something nefarious? I wish this would be easier!
If that wasn’t enough, it adds:
I’m no political scientist, but it seems to me that a man who has told 13,435 lies and has equated Nazis with people protesting Nazis, and who publicly stated he’d date his own daughter, and who tried and failed to buy Greenland is at least as honest as the many people, both Republican and Democrat, who have testified against him in this impeachment hearing.
Someone help me! I’m utterly baffled! How will we ever get to the bottom of these impeachment hearings? I fear that America will be lost amidst the fog of uncertainty, destined to wander in the wilderness of chaos for a very long time indeed. A very, very long time.
This is a great piece to peruse now that Democrats have launched formal Articles of Impeachment against Donald J. Trump.
Check out this entirely wonderful and epic work by clicking HERE.
This is funny. I get the sarcasm to make the Trump followers out to be idiots.