Comments on: Guns: America’s Big Crisis! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Tue, 01 Sep 2015 11:32:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Tue, 01 Sep 2015 11:32:15 +0000 Oops, in my initial response I left out an important word……..

"I still can't quite believe the fact that even a school full of DEAD LITTLE WHITE CHILDREN was *NOT* enough to finally set most White Americans off, prompting them to stream into D.C. DEMANDING a change and threating to do bodily harm to ANY politician still spewing NRA bullsh*t in order to protect the interest of GUN manufacturers."

It is a sad, and extremely distrubing, state of affairs in this country.

Btw- Here's a major statistical Fact to consider:

As per reseacrh data collected last year (2014) by General Social Survey (regarded as the "gold standard" among social science research survey organizations) …the actual percentage of gun-owners in America has gone down to a record "40 year LOW."

In 2014, guns were present in fewer than a third of U.S. households — 32 percent — according to the survey. That's 22 percentage points lower than the high of 54 percent recorded in 1977. […]

However, the same data shows a smaller percentage of gun-owners have significantly INCREASED the number of guns they own. In particular, since the election of President Obama that smaller population has been "stockpiling guns."

So what we have in America is a nightmare reality of more and more guns in the hands of fewer people. And dare I say that I strongly suspect that MOST gun-owners in America are probably people who are patently UNFIT to have a gun in the first place.

H/T: WashPost: "America has more guns in fewer hands than ever before​"

By: Mr. BD Mon, 31 Aug 2015 19:19:35 +0000 In reply to Truthiz1.

Tells anyone outside this country all they need to know about America and the notion that "All Lives Matter."

This right here along with all DJ said sums it up perfect for me. We have too many guns and our answer to that is get more guns. If the NRA doesn't care about those little kids getting killed in school, then they don't care about anything and we're hopeless.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 31 Aug 2015 16:45:14 +0000 If lawmakers were unwilling to change existing gun laws after a crazed gunman shot and killed classrooms full of 6 and 7-year-olds at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, then they probably never will! […]

Sadly DJ, you've summed up my thinking right there.

And the truth is, I still can't quite believe the fact that even a school full of DEAD LITTLE WHITE CHILDREN was enough to finally set most White Americans off, prompting them to stream into D.C. DEMANDING a change and threating to do bodily harm to ANY politician still spewing NRA bullsh*t in order to protect the interest of GUN manufacturers.

Tells anyone outside this country all they need to know about America and the notion that "All Lives Matter."
