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Guns At The Republican National Convention?

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No Guns at the RNC
No Guns at the RNC

Current Events –
Guns At The Republican National Convention?

Well, who would’ve thunk it??  The Republican Party, AKA the protector and lover of guns and “The mistress of the NRA” might just be a fake, a fraud and a phony.

Current Events
No Guns RNCThe Republican National Convention will be staged this summer in Cleveland. The State of Ohio is an “open carry” state, meaning gun owners can legally carry their weapons out in the open.  With the GOP caravan about to roll into town, conservative “open-carry’ers” thought this would be the perfect opportunity to thumb their noses at the non gun-toting world, by packing heat inside Cleveland’s Quicken Loans Arena.

Um, not so fast!

The RNC quickly realized the dangers of 20,000 people inside a closed arena packing 1, 2 or even 3 guns a piece. They also recognized that the GOP convention will likely be a brokered one that could deny Donald Trump the nomination. With the possibility of a heated environment, guns being drawn and a shootout ensuing a la “Wild, Wild West” style, the RNC enlisted the help of the United States Secret Service to squash any hopes of guns at the Republican National Convention.

On Monday, the Secret Service said that despite the urging of pro-gun activists who called for Ohio’s open-carry laws to extend into the arena., no firearms of any kind will be allowed past the main perimeter of the convention hall.

“Individuals determined to be carrying firearms will not be allowed past a predetermined outer perimeter checkpoint, regardless of whether they possess a ticket to the event,” a Secret Service spokesman said in a statement.  The spokesman cited federal law (which supersedes state law) authorizing the agency to prevent firearms from entering sites where protectees are visiting.

“Only authorized law enforcement personnel working in conjunction with the Secret Service for a particular event may carry a firearm inside of the protected site,” the Secret Service added.

Guns open carry

Current Events
Needless to say, pro-gun activists are pissed at the apparent GOP “double standard.” The Republican Party is supposedly a gun owner’s safe haven, where a firearm lover can roam freely and show-off multiple toys of weaponry. For the Republican National Committee to practically ignore the nearly 46,000 signature petition to allow firearms inside the arena is blasphemous.

“In order to ensure the safety of your supporters, delegates and all attendees at the convention in July, you must call upon the RNC to rectify this affront to our Second Amendment freedoms and insist upon a suspension of the Quicken Loans Arena’s unconstitutional ‘gun-free zone’ loophole,” the petition threatened.

Despite the condemnation from the U.S. Secret Service, activists are hell-bent on getting their way.  As of today, they have begun throwing a tantrum pressing the remaining GOP candidates to demand that their firearms be permitted inside the arena.

Once again, the misfits inside the Republican Party have come home to roost.  The GOP has strung these fringe groups along for decades and now, they want their moment in the spotlight and their single issue to be recognized and upheld.

Oh, Republicans — when will you ever learn?!?

Guns RNC convention



OK WASSUP! covers current events.  Today’s article:
Gun owners are fighting for firearms to be allowed inside
the Republican National Convention.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. This site is a liberal circle jerk. What a crock of baloney.

  2. Once again, the misfits inside the Republican Party have come home to roost. The GOP has strung these fringe groups along for decades and now, they want their moment in the spotlight and their single issue to be recognized and upheld. […..]

    Hear! Hear!..DJ. That's exactly what the Republican party is…(mostly) a collective of right-wing "MISFITS"…extremist fringe groups who have indeed been "strung along" by the GOPe for decades. And now each group wants their own "moment in the spotlight" to showcase their single issue.

    What a party….smh!

  3. LOL oh boy this is hilarious. Repubs talked all that big talk about guns are safe and all that. Now they won't even let the guns in their convention. Talk about a double standard. Like DJ said they been stringing all these gun people along for years. Except they don't want these crazy folks inside a building ready to shoot when they take the nom away from Trump. Haha you can't make this stuff up. This is better than reality show.

  4. I live in Ohio. I'm also a gun owner. We have a right to carry our guns. There's gonna be hell to pay if our party stops us.

  5. LGF Reader:
    Put a group of paranoid, angry people with assault rifles into a public place, have lots of screaming and yelling going on, people pushing against barricades, cops yelling back and shoving with their big shields, a few batons smack heads, someone screams, a finger curls on a trigger …

    It is in the seconds after the first shot rings out that anyone in Cleveland who has half a brain should fall to the ground and roll behind the nearest heavy concrete object.

    That’s a lesson that I learned. Painfully. During riots in South America, more than 25 years ago. […]

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