After a rocky start Tuesday with their first full day of convention events, the Republican National Convention resumed yesterday with a slew of big name speakers.
Here are some of the highlights from Day 2:
Television personality and former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee took to the podium last night at the RNC, delivering the red meat, laughs and overall entertainment delegates had been waiting for. He took pot shots at President Obama, Vice-President Biden and Democratic Party Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, while building up Mitt Romney as the perfect man to be president. It was exactly what the Republican base needed, but probably did little to pull more voters into the Romney camp.
JOHN “The Maverick” McCAIN –
The 2008 presidential nominee used his speech to the RNC to describe how President Obama has failed to be a leader in foreign affairs, particularly in the Iranian uprising and the deadly rebellion in Syria. He argued that Mr. Obama is withdrawing from Afghanistan too quickly and he ripped the president for leaking sensitive intelligence data to the media.
“It is said this election will turn on domestic and economic issues. But what Mitt Romney knows, and what we know, is that our success at home also depends on our leadership in the world,” McCain said. “It is our willingness to shape world events for the better that has kept us safe, increased our prosperity, preserved our liberty and transformed human history.”
In related news, McCain’s vice-presidential running mate, Sarah Palin, was originally slated to appear in 5 TV interviews on FOX to give her analysis of McCain and his speech to the convention. But much to Madam Palin’s dismay, the network canceled all 5 interviews at the last minute, citing “scheduling conflicts.” Hmmmm… something seems fishy!
Last seen as an international diplomat as the U.S. Secretary of State, Condi Rice spoke to the RNC last night and used her diplomatic credentials to hopefully burnish the non-existent foreign policy skills of the Romney-Ryan ticket. Neither Mitt Romney nor Paul Ryan have an ounce of foreign policy experience. Neither of them. So it was Condi Rice’s task to sway voters into believing both men are ready for the White House. It was a nice try, but not very effective.
On a side note, the pool camera inside the convention seemed on a mission to show every African-American in attendance during Rice’s speech. But at one point they must have run out of faces to show, since they were quickly relegated to repeats.
Paul Ryan delivered a very divisive, yet effective speech. For anyone who wasn’t familiar with him, he made a huge impression on those who may have been leaning toward their ticket, but just wasn’t sure yet. His delivery was measured, but forceful, although he was careful not to speak about the Bush administration and its connection to our current economic problems, as well as his own congressional voting record. Ryan was high on sweeping proposals and low on specifics, but he proved why he is a rising star in conservative circles and why Romney selected him.
Did a quick drive-by of socio-political blogs to get a consensus take on the speeches last night.In short: DJ's entire breakdown is on point.And added to that consensus pont of view is THIS: NYMag: "Paul Ryan Bets on the Ignorance of America"Paul Ryan has a reputation as a nerdy budget wonk, but tonight in his RNC speech, he transformed into an attack dog. Running the gamut on the many, varied transgressions of President Obama — including the stimulus, the jobs crisis, ObamaCare, the debt, Medicare, and, obviously, "You didn't built that" — Ryan had the crowd laughing, booing, and frequently showering him with piercingly loud standing ovations thanks to a slew of pitch-perfect applause lines. While this is just a hunch, we expect that his focus on Obama's inability to adequately revive the economy probably hit home with a lot of moderate voters. In short, it was, without a doubt, the best, most effective speech of the convention.It was also appallingly disingenuous and shamelessly hypocritical.Most of the millions of people who watched the speech on television tonight do not read fact-checks or obsessively consume news fifteen hours a day, and will never know how much Ryan's case against Obama relied on lies and deception. Ryan's pants are on fire, but all America saw was a barn-burner. […]Read: <a href="http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/paul-ryan-rnc-speech-lies-fact-check.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+nymag%2Fintel+%28Daily+Intelligencer+-+New+York+Magazine%29" rel="nofollow"> <a href="http://;http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/paul-ryan-rnc-speech-lies-fact-check.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+nymag%2Fintel+%28Daily+Intelligencer+-+New+York+Magazine%29” target=”_blank”>;http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/paul-ryan-rnc-speech-lies-fact-check.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+nymag%2Fintel+%28Daily+Intelligencer+-+New+York+Magazine%29
More food for thought…."Paul Ryan is a talented, well-intentioned man who has been groomed by, and cultivated in the eco-system of, Washington’s conservative intelligentsia. His speech, for all its many fine qualities, is an emblem of the superficial attractiveness and substantive bankruptcy of this intelligentsia."Galupo at TAC: "The Boy in the Bubble"http://www.theamericanconservative.com/paul-ryan-…"The Daily beast Democrats have to raise their game. They’ve never had to encounter this kind of buttery demagoguery before. Their campaign is going to have to be almost as much against Ryan as against Romney. (Does anyone think Romney’s speech is going to be more effective to the intended audience? I’d be awfully surprised if it is.) They have to rebut his lies, and they have to do it without sounding bitter or afraid or superior or haughty. That’s not easy to do. But it’s the challenge of this campaign. If they can’t win the Ryan war, they’re done."Tomasky at TDB: "Paul Ryan’s Convention Speech and His Web of Lies"<a href="http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/08/30/michael-tomasky-on-paul-ryan-s-convention-speech-and-his-web-of-lies.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+thedailybeast%2Farticles+%28The+Daily+Beast+-+Latest+Articles%29" rel="nofollow"> <a href="http://;http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/08/30/michael-tomasky-on-paul-ryan-s-convention-speech-and-his-web-of-lies.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+thedailybeast%2Farticles+%28The+Daily+Beast+-+Latest+Articles%29;http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/08/30/michael-tomasky-on-paul-ryan-s-convention-speech-and-his-web-of-lies.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+thedailybeast%2Farticles+%28The+Daily+Beast+-+Latest+Articles%29<br />H/T: A. Sullivan"I noted most of these lies last night. But there weren't just lies, there was a total abdication of personal responsibility in an attack on president Obma's alleged lack of responsibility."The Dish: "The Lies And Lies And Lies Of Paul Ryan"<a href="http://andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com/2012/08/the-lies-of-paul-ryan.html" rel="nofollow"> <a href="http://;http://andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com/2012/08/the-lies-of-paul-ryan.html” target=”_blank”>;http://andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com/2012/08/the-lies-of-paul-ryan.html
Thank you, DJ, for the somewhat positive review of Paul Ryan's speech last night. It was indeed a home run.