
Hack To Chill Water or Wine In Seconds!

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TGIF: Hack To Chill Water or Wine In Seconds!

Have you ever needed an ice-cold bottle of wine or champagne for a special occasion, only to discover that the only bottles you have handy are warm?  Well, those worries and those days are over!

Hack compressed airGranted, you can use the old “tried-and-true” quick hack of wrapping a wet paper towel around your beverage of choice and popping it in the freezer for 15 minutes. However, that’s still 15 whole minutes you’ll have to wait, dry-mouthed and impatient.

Well, what if you want your beer, wine, or water cold right now?  Like, 20 seconds from now! Is that even possible?!?

Actually yes, it is — and, all you’ll need for this hack is a can of compressed air from your local Staples store.

The secret is to hold a can of compressed air upside down while spraying the air on your can of beer or bottle of wine, which makes the released air come out icy cold (So frigid, you’ll see frost appear!).

Just be sure to wear a pair of gloves to prevent frostbite. Also, since some compressed air sprays contain a bittering agent, be sure to pour your beverage into a clean glass once it’s cold.

So, if you find yourself in a pinch during the upcoming holiday season, get a can of compressed air from an office supply store and get ready to save the party — or just satisfy your craving for a cold one immediately.

Check out the video for yourself and see this amazing hack happen before your very eyes.



OK WASSUP! provides entertainment news,
including this hack to chill water or wine in seconds.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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