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Halloween Special: Lake Turns Animals To Stone

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Tanzanian Lake Petrifies Animals
Have you ever been to Stone Lake?  No, not the tiny town in Wisconsin or the State Park in California — the REAL stone lake that literally turns everything that touches it into stone.

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This deadly body of water is located in Tanzania and turns any animal it touches to stone. The rare phenomenon is caused by the chemical makeup of the lake, which has left behind a string of horrifying and petrified creatures.

Photographer Nick Brandt wrote in his new book, Across the Ravaged Land, how petrified creatures can be found all along the lake due to its constant pH of 9 to 10.5, which is a basic alkalinity that preserves these creatures for eternity. The water has an extremely high soda and salt content, which causes the creatures to calcify, perfectly preserved, as they dry.

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In this celebration of Halloween, check out some of his amazing finds in the startling images below.

OK WASSUP! explores the horrific lake in Tanzania that turns to stone any animal that touches it.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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