Many recent polls suggest a match-up between President Obama and Mitt Romney would come down to the slimmest margins, with Romney slightly ahead. Should the White House be worried? Probably not.
You see, that information is only based on the popular vote and as Al Gore knows all too well, the popular vote doesn’t matter. The reality is, President Obama is actually enjoying a lead over Mitt Romney in the one contest that really counts: The Electoral College — and that has the White House smiling!
According to recent data compiled by the Associated Press, President Obama is currently the favorite with 247 electoral votes, while Romney is at 206. It takes 270 electoral votes to win the White House.
As the old saying goes, “all politics are local.” The AP says that as of now, the election would be decided in 7 close states with a total of 85 electoral votes. Those states are Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio and Virginia.
From the AP report:
“As of today, the advantage still lies with the president, but there is a long and hard road ahead in this election,” said Tad Devine, who was a top strategist to Democratic presidential candidates Al Gore and John Kerry but isn’t directly involved in this year’s race.
If Romney wins all the states Republican John McCain carried in 2008 plus North Carolina, as trends today suggest he would, he would still need 64 electoral votes to hit the magic number. That would require him to win a majority of the states that are up for grabs.
Obama, on the other hand, faces the costly and labor-intensive challenge of defending those states in a much different environment than the one he enjoyed four years ago.
Big-spending, pro-Romney political committees are certain to be a factor, and already are running heavy levels of television ads in states where Obama is vulnerable, such as Florida.
But Obama’s early spending — more than $30 million on advertising before Memorial Day — and new glimmers of economic hope across the battleground states demonstrate the size of Romney’s challenge.
Lol. The truth is, I'd love to conduct a poll on what most Americans really think of POLLS…smh.As any regular reader of OK Wassup! knows, I don't trust polls because I don't trust pollsters. In politics, everybody…and I do mean EVERBODY…has their own agenda. Everybody peddles bullsh*t to some degree..and NONE moreso, IMO, than pollsters.I've already gone on record saying that (barring some national security disaster) I believe the President WILL be re-elected. Will he defeat Romney by a decent margin?Well, we'll see.