Happy Indigenous Peoples Day
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Happy Indigenous Peoples Day
Today is a national holiday, but it shouldn’t be. You see, today was set aside to honor a thief and a horrible man — Christopher Columbus. So, it’s time to end the celebration of Columbus and to recognize today as HAPPY INDIGENOUS PEOPLES DAY!
Current Events
For centuries we’ve been told Christopher Columbus “discovered” America. He didn’t. Columbus actually STOLE America, since it was already inhabited by its Indigenous Peoples.
When he first arrived, the Indigenous Peoples in what would later be called America were welcoming and polite to him. Realizing he could use their politeness to his advantage, he went back to Spain and gathered an army. He then returned to the new land, beat and killed the men, raped the women, then TOOK America. Stealing something that already belongs to someone else is not the same as “discovering” it.
More U.S. cities have decided to recognize Native Americans on Columbus Day this year as they revive a movement to change the name of the holiday to celebrate the history and contributions of indigenous cultures around the country. That’s why today will be Indigenous Peoples Day in at least 9 cities for the first time ever, including Albuquerque; Portland, Oregon; St. Paul, Minnesota; and Olympia, Washington.
For many, a federal holiday honoring Christopher Columbus — and the parades and pageantry accompanying it — overlook a painful history of colonialism, enslavement, discrimination and land grabs that followed the Italian explorer’s 1492 arrival in the Americas. However, revising the day as an indigenous holiday takes into account the history and contributions of Native Americans for a more accurate historical record.
“For the Native community here, Indigenous Peoples Day means a lot. We actually have something,” said Nick Estes of Albuquerque, who is coordinating a celebration Monday after the City Council recently issued a proclamation. “We understand it’s just a proclamation, but at the same time, we also understand this is the beginning of something greater.”
It is time for us all to wake up and know the real story behind the man we’ve long honored with a national holiday. If you really want to know the TRUTH about Christopher Columbus, find out the real deal by clicking HERE.
In the meantime, forget about Columbus Day. That day is dead. Today is a day to honor the Indigenous People of America — the original people of our nation.
Take a humorous look at Columbus Day in the video below, as HBO’s John Oliver asks: Columbus Day…How is this still a thing?
Happy Indigenous Peoples Day!
@DJ- Hear!..Hear!
Well said on ALL points made. And I commend you for doing this every year, on this day- revealing the Truth about such a despicable man with such a reprehensible history.
Way past time for the U.S. to change the name of this national holiday to reflect the actual history of the original Americans who had long inhabited this land when Columbus supposedly "discovered" it!?!
Let's have a national day to celebrate those "Real" Americans if your will.
"Indigenous Peoples Day"…?
I like it.
Yes yes yes, thank you thank you thank you! Very glad you do this every year and remind us all about the true history of Columbus. I'm also glad to see you mentioned so many cities have changed the holiday to make it about those who were already here. Happy Indigenous people day.