Last year it was the “You Lie” guy, screaming out at the President and accusing him of being a liar. This year it was Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, who shook his head in open disagreement of the President’s remarks and mouthed “No, that’s not true!”
It is a long standing tradition that Supreme Court Justices remain non-partisan when attending any speech or function by the President of the United States. They may neither applaud nor boo the President or his policies. But apparently since the “You Lie” guy was given marching orders to keep his mouth shut this year, Justice Alito must have saw this moment as his for the taking, so he seized it. Incidentally, this isn’t Alito’s first run-in with the President. When Mr. Obama was inaugurated, he and Vice-President Biden went to the Supreme Court to pay a courtesy visit to its members. Every single Justice was in attendance that day — except Samuel Alito, who was a no-show. What ever happened to common courtesy, respect and decorum toward the leader of the free world? WATCH:
Lol not as bad as the you lie senator from before, but still disrespectful.
Not as bad as Obama himself calling out an equal branch of government on national television for simply doing something he didn't approve of. So, I guess you're right. What did happen to common courtesy, respect, and decorum?