Congratulations are in order for America’s newest millionaires: Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss.
Top News Today :
Last week, a jury ruled that Trump suckup Rudy Giuliani will have to pay former Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss $148 million in defamation damages. The ruling came after Giuliani repeatedly (and erroneously) claimed the 2 women produced suitcases of fake ballots and tampered with the election process in Georgia, which cheated Donald Trump out of winning the state during the 2020 presidential election. Testimony proved that his claims subjected the women to racism and even threats against their lives from Donald Trump’s MAGA sycophants.

According to NBC News, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss (who are mother and daughter, respectively), were both awarded more than $16 million each in compensatory damages, as well as $20 million for intentional infliction of emotional distress, and $75 million in total punitive damages — which left Giuliani with a near $150 million bill to pay.
To make matters worse, Giuliani is also on the hook for defamation lawsuits brought by 2 voting machine companies, as well as a sexual harassment suit for $10 million and a $1.4 million suit from his former lawyers. He also faces an indictment from the Fulton County (Georgia) District Attorney’s office. All of this occurred during his affiliation with Donald Trump.

Yes, the man who was once known as “America’s Mayor” after his handling of the 9/11 terrorist attack in New York City, has become a shell of his former self and is near bankruptcy. Giuliani’s rapid decline came after he hitched himself to Donald Trump and allowed ‘The Donald’ to suck him into the Big Lie that Trump won the 2020 election — a claim that has been proven false and dismissed at every turn. Rudy soon became Trump’s mouthpiece and began to publicly and verbally attack random people for cheating Trump out of an election win that only occurred in his mind. From there, the decision to fault 2 Black, female election workers in Georgia (and not Trump’s own ineptness) was born.
Following the verdict, the crotchety Giuliani was bitter and defiant.
“I don’t regret a damn thing,” Giuliani barked to a reporter. “The absurdity of the number merely underscores the absurdity of the entire proceeding.”
“I am quite confident when this case gets before a fair tribunal, it’ll be reversed so quickly, it’ll make your head spin,” he continued. “I know that my country had a president imposed on it by fraud. These are not conspiracy theories, these are proven facts,” he added in what could turn into yet another defamation charge.
However, since Giuliani is all but financially broke after years of being Trump’s lapdog, the sad truth is that Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss will never see anywhere near the millions they were awarded.
“He can’t pay this,” said Neama Rahmani, a former federal prosecutor and West Coast Trial Lawyers president. “And it won’t go away.”
“If at some point he has a windfall, they may be able to recover against that,” added Sarah Krissoff, a white-collar defense attorney and former federal prosecutor who suggested earnings from a future Giuliani book deal, for example, could go to Freeman and Moss.
The fact is, Rudy Giuliani doesn’t have $148 million in cash to pay anyone. Additionally, a potential bankruptcy filing won’t make the judgment go away, either.

The best that Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss can expect is to seize any cash Giuliani currently has on hand, legally garnish any wages he makes from current and future employment, ask the court to either place a lien on any real estate properties Giuliani currently owns or award properties outright, and collect as much of the $148 million judgment they possibly can.
So, in reality, the defamation determination is only a moral victory for the 2 women and not an actual multi-million dollar payday. However, it’s also a huge lesson for Rudy Giuliani to shut his mouth, stop making defamatory comments about others, and pick better friends than Donald Trump.
OK WASSUP! discusses the Top News Today:
Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss win against Giuliani.
DJ is right, Lady Ruby and her daughter will probably never collect all – or even most- of the money they’ve been awarded. But I hope and pray they get ALL that they possibly can from that 2-legged, lying azz, human reptile!
And I will continue to hope and pray that that human reptile gets ALL that’s coming to him too!
Speaking of “the Big lie.” I’ve been hearing more and more reports that it was Rudy who actually dug the hole and solidified the planting of that highly toxic seed into Trump’s wretched and twisted mind, when Trump lost the 2020 election.
Trump didn’t want to believe he had actually lost to Joe Biden. But when Trump suggested that maybe the election was stolen from him, Rudy was the main creature who grabbed onto that lie and really drove it into Trump’s brain!
Rudy destroyed his own life. And I would posit that Rudy helped Trump destroy his own life too!
Vanity Fair:
Rudy Giuliani, who has spent the last several years hitting rock bottom and somehow keeps hitting rock bottom again and again and again, has been ordered to pay an astonishing $148 million in damages to Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shaye Moss, the election workers he defamed in an effort to keep Donald Trump in power. The figure is more than three times the high-end amount that the women had been seeking, which the former mayor’s lawyer had warned earlier in the week would constitute a civil “death penalty” and “be the end of Mr. Giuliani.”
By all accounts, Giuliani has nowhere near the amount of money he has been ordered to pay. Over the summer, one of his attorneys said he couldn’t pay his bills, and he’s been sued more than once for failing to pay his debts.
Of course, the jury wasn’t tasked with assessing Giuliani‘s financial situation; they were only asked to decide how much harm he caused Freeman and Moss, which their testimonies revealed this week was a lot, having effectively ruined their lives. On Tuesday, Moss told jurors that after he spread vicious, baseless claims about her and her mother, “I was afraid for my life. I literally felt like someone going to come and attempt to hang me and there’s nothing that anyone will be able to do about it.” She added: “I now am very anxious. I have these nonstop anxious sweats. I have a lot of dark moments. I no longer go out. I will not be caught out anywhere alone, ever…. I look totally different; I gained, like, 70 pounds. I stress eat. I cry a lot. I’m just this whole new stressed-out person.” On Wednesday, Freeman read a selection of the horrifying messages she received as a result of Giuliani putting a target on her and her mother’s backs, which included “Kill yourself now so we can save AMMO“ and “I hope the Federal government hangs you and your daughter from the Capitol dome you treasonous piece of shit! I pray that I will be sitting close enough to hear your necks snap.” She told the jury, “My life is just messed up. It’s really messed up all because somebody put me on blast, just tweet my name out to their millions of followers.”
Hey Wil he really has hit rock bottom. Financially and in his life.
I am glad they won the case but like DJ said they are not going to get that money. Maybe they can sell his condo in New York and get some of it. But he is too broke for them to get all of it. I am very happy for them though.