RNC 2020 Day 2: Naturalization, Pardon, And Lies!
RNC 2020 Day 2 was well produced and a much better event than Monday’s opening night. Still, despite a number of surprises it was filled with a load of predictable lies.
RNC 2020 Day 2 began with patriotism and prayer, just as it did on Monday. Then, it swiftly veered into a series of lies, including a central theme that Biden-Harris is the new face of “radical left Democrats.”
Thankfully, MSNBC broke into programming at the end of each speech to fact-check the lies in real-time.

Among the memorable speakers of RNC 2020 Day 2 were Sen. Rand Paul of KY, economist Larry Kudlow, and former Covington Catholic School student Nick Sandmann who is best known for his smirky confrontation while wearing a MAGA hat as his high school class toured the Washington Monument.
Interestingly, both Kudlow and Sandmann each spoke via video, despite Donald Trump’s claims that recorded speeches are boring, they didn’t work during the Democratic event last week, and that ALL RNC speeches would be live (Spoiler Alert: They weren’t).
Donald Trump made another live appearance during RNC 2020 Day 2 with Jon Ponder, a Black former criminal who turned his life around, became religious, and now helps ex-cons reacclimate to society. Interestingly, Trump granted him a full pardon on live television, complete with a signing ceremony. CNN’s Van Jones called the pardon the right move but a cheap publicity stunt which diminished the honor.
Also, despite being one of the most anti-immigrant US leaders in history, Trump presided over a live naturalization ceremony and helped to swear in 5 new Americans at The White House.
“You followed the rules, you obeyed the laws, you learned your history, embraced our values and proved yourselves to be men and women of the highest integrity,” Trump told the new Americans.
Effective TV? Probably. A cheap stunt? For sure!

Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron, a Black Republican who is a rising star within the party, took the podium during RNC 2020 Day 2 to say despite Joe Biden’s previous implication, Black voters are not monolithic.
Speaking directly to Biden, Kentucky’s first Black attorney general said: “Mr. Vice-President, look at me. I am Black. We are not all the same, sir. I am not in chains. My mind is my own. And you can’t tell me how to vote because of the color of my skin.”
A lobster fisherman also spoke to announce that although he didn’t support Trump in 2016, he will now vote for him in 2020 solely because of his support for fishermen.
His words proved that single-issue Trump supporters are problematic due to their penchant for picking and choosing one issue while ignoring all the rest. For example, if Trump helped the fisherman, what about how he destroyed those fishermen who died from COVID due to his inaction? What about those minority fishermen who have felt the brunt of Trump’s racial divisiveness? What about those fishermen who may lose health care or social security benefits if Trump is successful at destroying those programs as promised? It’s akin to a woman staying with her abusive husband simply because he takes her out to dinner every weekend.
Mike Pence
VP Pence appeared in a video titled “Lincoln” with 6 Americans whose lives he says have been helped by the Trump administration. The video was filmed at President Abraham Lincoln’s boyhood home in Lincoln City, Indiana. Pence compared Trump to Lincoln (the first Republican president) then held casual conversations with everyday Americans.
Mike Pompeo

Secretary of State Pompeo spoke from Jerusalem about Trump’s “America First” vision. Because he is America’s top diplomat, his participation in a partisan convention was widely panned as an inappropriate act by the diplomatic face of America.
Every other secretary of state in modern history has avoided conventions. Pompeo’s breach of decades of diplomatic precedent might be a possible violation of federal law prohibiting executive branch employees from overt political activism while on duty. Interestingly, Pompeo himself recently reminded State Department staffers not to insert themselves into the political contest.
Tiffany Trump
Donald’s least favorite child (because she’s not Ivanka) towed the family line and delivered praise for her father. Despite her expected praise-fest, the recent law school graduate probably appeared the most genuine and intelligent among all the Trump kids.
Eric Trump
Donald’s 2nd least favorite child also joined a large contingency of Trump’s speaking during the convention. Unlike his coked-out older brother from Monday night, Eric Trump was at least palatable. Still, his lying, including claiming that his father has accomplished peace in the Middle East and that Biden has admitted he will defund police and dismantle the 2nd amendment (which he never said) will likely make his father proud.
Melania Trump
The headline speaker of the night made her entrance via a dramatic walk along the promenade from the White House residence. Wearing a military dictator-green suit, she delivered her remarks to a live crowd (sans masks or social distancing protocols) inside the “new” Rose Garden.
Frequently looking like a deer in headlights while reading the teleprompter, Melania’s words were somewhat confusing when compared to the man she married.
“Donald will not rest until he has done everything he can to take care of everyone who has been affected by this terrible pandemic,” she said at one point. “Total honesty is what we deserve from our president,” was another bold statement.
Does she realize who she married?
Melania Trump was recently criticized for redecorating the Rose Garden by ripping out Jackie O’s trees as well as colorful roses planted by multiple former first lady’s over several decades in favor of a white-only palette.
Mary Ann Mendoza had been scheduled to deliver remarks Tuesday night to highlight Trump’s fight against illegal immigration. However, her appearance was scrapped at the last minute once the GOP discovered she had directed her followers to a series of anti-Semitic tweets.
A speaker who had been scheduled to highlight President Trump’s fight against illegal immigration has been pulled from the #RNC2020 lineup after directing her Twitter followers to a series of anti-Semitic, conspiratorial messages. https://t.co/p5uDRRRdVy
— AP Politics (@AP_Politics) August 26, 2020
“We have removed the scheduled video from the convention lineup and it will no longer run this week,” said Trump campaign spokesperson Tim Murtaugh.
How did they not realize this until the very last minute??
The Republican National Convention will resume tonight with remarks from Mike and “Mother” Pence, a farewell from resigning Trump senior advisor Kellyanne Conway, and a GOP-style takedown of the racial injustice protests seen nationally this summer.
Thanks again DJ. I didn’t watch even a minute of it so your summary is much appreciated.
Dems should NOT underestimate the power of entertainment (theater and stunts). Trump is master Conman whose world is one big reality show and he understands his target audience very well. He knows what it takes to get them (their support) and to keep them.
Showcasing a few Black Rebups and presiding over a live naturalization ceremony are just the kinds of stunts that play well with his base. But also with soft anti-Trumpers (whites who are repulsed by Trump but may be willing to vote for him anyway fearing a “Black and brown takeover.”)
I’m with Truth. I did not watch a second of that mess last night. Thanks DJ for putting together the summary for us though. I admit I have a hard time caring what they are talking about.