
Harris vs Pence Debate Showdown

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If the Harris vs Pence debate were a meme, it would almost assuredly be “Mr. Vice-President, I’M speaking!”

VP Mike Pence and Sen. Kamala Harris met Wednesday night in Salt Lake City for the “plexiglass clash,” or what many political operatives are already calling the “Smooth Talker versus the Gifted Litigator.” Still, others described it as perhaps the most important vice-presidential debate in US history. They were all right.

Harris vs Pence Debate

Mike Pence presented himself as “folksy” but fake, as many viewers called him disingenuous. After last week’s angry bully fest between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, Trump needed the Harris vs Pence debate to stop the bleeding on his failing campaign and for Pence to turn the race around in the Trump-Pence favor.

He missed the mark!

Sen. Harris had a clear directive. She needed to appear presidential and pass the “commander-in-chief test,” she needed to avoid the “angry black woman” stereotype that many in America were anxious to label her with, and, above all, she needed to do no harm.

She succeeded!

In fact, it was a powerful night for Sen. Harris who is on the verge of breaking through 2 glass ceilings by being elected the first African-American and the first female vice-president of the United States.

The Harris vs Pence debate began with a hard-hitting question about COVID-19 and how each campaign will handle the pandemic going forward. Mike Pence said he and Donald Trump would continue to respect the American people to make choices regarding their health (apparently meaning they will allow no masks and other ‘willy-nilly’ reactions to continue).

However, Sen. Harris took issue with that response.

“Let me tell you how to respect the American people. You respect the American people when you tell them the TRUTH,” she said, referring to Trump’s failure to put out a red alert once he learned of the coronavirus in January.

The Democratic vice-presidential nominee was off to the races from that moment on.

Harris vs Pence Debate She discussed last week’s White House “super spreader” event which left 34 White House officials and employees positive for the coronavirus.

When asked if a COVID vaccine was introduced by election day, Sen. Harris said: “If the medical professionals… if Dr. Fauci tells us to take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it. If Donald Trump tells us to take it, I’m NOT taking it!”

Sen. Harris then brought up Donald Trump’s refusal to discuss specifics about his health (as COVID-19 positive) as well as his penchant for hiding his taxes. When asked about the economy, Mike Pence weakly attempted to defend Trump’s record. However, once Sen. Harris was given 15 seconds, she responded: “Joe Biden is responsible for saving the auto industry, and YOU voted against it. THANK YOU!”

And, of course, whenever Mike Pence interrupted Kamala Harris, she reminded him multiple times with her 1000-watt smile: “Mr. Vice-President, I’M speaking!”

With Joe Biden at 77 years of age and Donald Trump at 74 with a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, the question regarding the health of both candidates and if their vice-presidential counterparts are capable of stepping into the presidency was asked. In a near tie, 63% of Americans said they now believe Sen. Harris is qualified to be president, while 67% said Mike Pence is qualified.

As for who won the Harris vs Pence Debate, a CNN poll immediately following the event declared Sen. Harris the winner 59% to 38%.

Harris vs Pence Debate

However, the unofficial and true “winner” of the Harris vs Pence debate was the fly that landed and stayed on Mike Pence’s head for several minutes on live television. As one social media post said: “Even a fly recognizes sh*t when he smells it.”

Interestingly, CNN has updated its interactive electoral map. With only 26 days left until the final day of voting, the network has joined just about every major poll in America in declaring that the election is poised to be a runaway win for Biden-Harris. According to The New York Times, Pennsylvania now appears comfortably in favor of Biden, while Florida, North Carolina, Iowa, and even Texas are seemingly in play.

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Harris vs Biden debate was a must-see!


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. LA Times:

    Review: Kamala Harris’ sterling debate was for every woman who’s been talked over by a man

    In the time-honored Washington tradition of male candidates treating their female opponents like subordinates, and men dismissing women in boardrooms and office cubicles across the country, Pence continually interrupted Harris, stepping on her time and steamrolling through Susan Page in the process.

    But Harris was having none of that.

    “Mr. Vice President, I’m speaking,” Harris said repeatedly, stopping him in his tracks when Page’s ineffectual thank yous to Pence could not do the job. At one point, Harris explicitly demanded that she be given equal time after yet another of Pence’s successful attempts to filibuster past the two-minute time limit.

    Pence’s tone was calm and reasonable in comparison to his boss’s bullhorn offensive last week, but Harris still had to walk the same impossible line Hillary Clinton did in 2016 when she ran against Trump.

    California’s former attorney general had to out-maneuver Pence and contend with a double standard often used against women who run for office: Don’t be too aggressive, but don’t appear weak. Act strong, but not so strong that you threaten male voters. Eviscerate him, but don’t be a bitch. And whatever happens, don’t forget to smile!

    1. Pence’s tone was calm and reasonable in comparison to his boss’s bullhorn offensive last week, but Harris still had to walk the same impossible line Hillary Clinton did in 2016 when she ran against Trump. […]

      Yes indeed. Though, we’ve come a long way, We still have such a long way to go.

  2. New York Magazine:

    The vice-presidential debate was jarringly normal. The candidates spoke in complete sentences. They interrupted each other (though the Republican interrupted more), ignored the questions they were asked (though the Republican ignored them more), and misled viewers about inconvenient truths (though the Republican lied more) — but they did it all with passive-aggressive politesse, just like it was done in the olden days of 2014, when “President Donald Trump” was still just a twinkle in Satan’s eye. Pence struck me as more visibly comfortable and smooth in his sophistry. Or maybe he was just whiter and more male. (CNN’s instant poll of debate watchers found Harris winning handily.) Regardless, it’s clear that Pence failed to trick Harris into committing some viral “gaffe” that could compete for attention with our very bronze president’s latest hijinks. Given the present state of the race, that makes the evening a loss for Donald Trump.

  3. USA Today:

    President Donald Trump said Thursday he would not take part in the next presidential debate with former Vice President Joe Biden after it was moved to a virtual format due to COVID-19 safety concerns. 

    “I’m not going to waste my time doing a virtual debate,” he told Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo, calling a virtual debate a “joke” and an effort “to protect Biden.” 

    The Commission on Presidential Debates announced Thursday morning the next presidential debate would be remote to “protect the health and safety of all involved” amid the COVID-19 pandemic and Trump’s positive COVID-19 diagnosis. 

    1. “I’m not going to waste my time doing a virtual debate,” he told Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo, calling a virtual debate a “joke” and an effort “to protect Biden.” […]

      No. That fool is the joke and a dangerous joke at that.

    2. Hey Wil I think Trump knows he is loosing now and he is scared to debate Biden again. Repubs are already telling him he looks weak by backing out even though Trump is trying to spin it like it is a win for him.

  4. OMG for real. That debate was every thing. Pence made his first mistake trying to talk over a black woman. But he got taught respect real quick because all she had to do was give him the look. Trump and Pence are slow melting away and Kamala made herself look like a president. I do not want to count chickens before they hatch but when I heard Florida and Iowa are swinging Biden it put a smile on my face.

    1. Pence made his first mistake trying to talk over a black woman. But he got taught respect real quick because all she had to do was give him the look. […]

      Uh-huh. I didn’t watch any of it but I heard she checked his silly azz at the gate.

  5. Oh yeah the fly won that debate. And what was up with Pence having pinkeye. They say that is a Covid symptom so she was right to put up those glass shields.

  6. Oh and I want to share that I voted yesterday!!!

    Trump won’t carry PA this time. And I don’t think it’s going to be close at all.

  7. Kamala Harris brought all her black woman flavor to that debate last night. The facial expressions alone told stories and delivered messages all while 45 Jr. spoke. Brava to her for introducing America to what they can expect from a Biden/Harris White House in 2021.

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