Comments on: HASSELBECK SLAMS JOE THE PLUMBER News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 08:00:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Mon, 11 May 2009 20:02:00 +0000 Would this be the same Elizabeth Hasselbeck who very publicly supported the VP candidacy of Sarah “the ignorant and Uneducated” Palin???But “Joe-the-Not-really-a-plumber” has finally gone too far for Ms. Hasselbeck!?!Yeah okay_lol. Anyway, another story that I find equally absurd: "John Edwards' aides had plotted to sabotage his campaign over affair"George Stephanopoulos:[I’ve talked to a lot of former Edwards staffers about this. Up until December of 2007, most on Edwards’ staff didn’t believe rumors about the affair.But by late December, early January of last year, several people in his inner circle began to think the rumors were true. Several of them had gotten together and devised a “doomsday” strategy of sorts.Basically, if it looked like Edwards was going to win the Democratic Party nomination, they were going to sabotage his campaign, several former Edwards’ staffers have told me.They said they were Democrats first, and if it looked like Edwards was going to become the nominee, they were going to bring down the campaign. ] like some folks trying desperately to cover their azzez, in light of some "info" now revealed in Elizabeth Edward's new book.Joe Trippi says the so-called “doomsday strategy” was “bullsh*t”. Either way, this story stinks more and more by the day_i.e., Elizabeth Edwards knew about John’s affair as of 2006 but she continued to “play” the American people right along with her husband_and possibly members of his staff(?)_until he dropped out of the primaries_smh.
