Oh, boo hoo! Candidate Ron DeSantis is no more and has been deemed a political failure.
Politics :
Earlier this week, GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida suspended (read: quit) his campaign to become the next President of the United States. Apparently, his ‘Don’t Say Gay’ campaign, stupid crazy feud with Disney, high-heeled cowboy boots (to appear taller), desire to Make America Florida, and overall blandness just wasn’t enough to make Americans want to send him to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Check out a portion of his “concession” speech in the video below and feel free to sing “Ding Dong, The Witch Is Dead” right along with it!
OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
The night Candidate Ron DeSantis called it quits.
Hey DJ, I had hoped you would do a post on this dangerous clown dropping out of the race! Lol
Regular readers may recall – when DeSantis finally jumped in the race I expressed back then that I didn’t think his “I’m a better version of Trump” shtick would play beyond Florida and 2 or 3 other red states.
We have a mostly incompetent, clueless – and therefore mostly worthless – news media industry in America. They helped greatly in hyping up this dangerous clown, just like they’ve been hyping up Trump since 2008.
Seriously, DeSantis looks like a broken man.
Like he doesn’t know what hit him!?!
Beyond being the Gov. Of Florida does he still have a political future in the Republican party?
I don’t think so. But we’ll see.
Hey Truth he is a nobody they were trying to turn into somebody. It did not work.
I would not be surprised if Desantis was out of politics altogether in a few years.