Comments on: “HATE RADIO” TARGETS DR. KING News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:57:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Tue, 18 Jan 2011 12:36:36 +0000 CNN's Anderson Cooper did an entire segment on this story last evening and all I could do was sit and shake my head in total disgust!I've never felt the least bit put off by people having a different views from mine. I'm an *independent* thinker by nature so I welcome a give-and-take environment where the exchange of ideas, thoughts and opinions Freely flows…AS LONG AS they are rationally and Civil expressed. I draw the line at "Carriers of Hatred." The *disease* they carry is like a Cancer of the mind, body and Soul. The *disease* is highly contagious, should be quickly identified and AVOIDED_at ALL costs. Mr. Reese is but one more pathetic_but dangerous_ example of what such a Carrier looks like_smh. 
