Current Events

Hawaii Emergency Alert: What Went Wrong?

- Was the North Korean threat a coincidence?

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Only days after an erroneous Hawaii alert, Japan has now succumbed to the identical false alarm of a North Korean missile strike.  Coincidence???  Hmmm…

Current Events
At 6:55pm on Tuesday, Japanese public broadcaster NHK issued the following emergency bulletin:  “North Korea appears to have launched a missile … The government urges people to take shelter inside buildings or underground.”  Although the station was able to correct the error within minutes, that didn’t stop widespread panic or prevent people from asking the obvious.

In case you’re also wondering, exactly how is it possible for 2 Pacific regions to experience the exact same erroneous North Korean missile alert all within a few days of each other?  Inquiring minds and conspiracy theorists desperately want to know.

In each case, American and Japanese officials are blaming human error and a lack of adequate fail-safe measures for the false missile alerts.  However, since Donald Trump has actively picked a fight with North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un, could something else more serious be in play here??


Japanese officials say they have just begun to examine what may have gone wrong in Tokyo.  However, the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency is seeking an outside review by the FCC to determine why its false alarm was able to go uncorrected for nearly 40 minutes, while horrified residents and vacationers on the South Pacific island feared they were living the last moments of their lives.

So, what happened?

The official explanation is that an error occurred during a drill that was being conducted in the midst of a shift change at the agency, when, an employee made the wrong selection from a “drop-down” computer menu and chose to activate a missile launch warning instead of an internal test alert. Supposedly, the employee believed they had made the correct selection and clicked “yes” when the system’s computer prompt requested permission to proceed.

“An employee pushed the wrong button,” Governor David Ige said,

The explanation seems nonsensical — particularly when you consider that the exact same “mistake” happened only a few thousand miles away and a mere 3 days later.

So, what REALLY happened here??


Current Events
Did an American employee on Saturday and then a Japanese employee on Tuesday truly execute the same missile alert error within days of each other?

Did North Korea test and/or actually launch a missile that the US and Japanese governments are seeking to keep silent so as to avoid public pandemonium?

Did North Korea or some other rogue nation successfully hack the advance alert systems, thus exposing its vulnerability?

Oh, and 1 more vital but rather obvious question:

Why did Donald Trump remain on his Florida golf course uninterrupted, unfazed, radio silent, and seemingly unbothered — all during an active and (seemingly) credible nuclear war threat against an American state???

Inquiring minds DESPERATELY want to know!



OK WASSUP! covers current events:
Were Hawaii and Japan emergency alerts
coincidence or something worse?

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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You might be onto something DJ. What are the chances of this being a mistake twice in the same week. I don’t think we are getting the whole truth about what is going on. As for Trump he can kick rocks. We should all be real worried and mad that he couldn’t bother to leave the golf course when America seem to be under attack.


Cosign with BD. I do think DJ might be onto something. “What ARE the chances of this being a mistake twice in the same week? I don’t think we are getting the whole truth about what is going on.”

I do NOT, in ANY way, shape or form, trust Trump/his administration when it comes to ANY matter whatsoever. And in particular ANY matter pertaining to our National Security. He is/they are absolutely corrupt, patently dishonest and grossly incompetent.

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