Hawking: ‘We Must Leave Earth In 100 Years’

Science –
‘We Must Leave
Earth In 100 Years’
Did you know the earth has an expiration date?  At least Stephen Hawking says it does. In fact, the noted scientist believes that we all have about 100 years left to find a new planet before extinction and the end of the world.
If you’ve been wondering why America and other countries, as well as Elon Musk and other private investors, have suddenly ramped up efforts to travel to Mars and beyond, wonder no more. With overpopulation, global warming, and the overuse of our natural resources, humankind is prompting the rapid conclusion of the world.
An earlier theory pegged the end of the world to occur at least 1000 years from now. However, as far as Stephen Hawking is concerned, everyone had better start making preparations NOW!
The famed astrophysicist has worried before how humans dangerously believe that earth’s resources are infinite. In fact, he’s mentioned that the next 100 years may very well be the most dangerous for our planet. The threats he predicts include nuclear war, asteroid strikes, and genetically engineered viruses. Hawking says we have until 2117 to either leave or face the consequences. Â He has even begun to make a TV show to examine how we might swiftly take a one-way ticket beyond Earth.

The documentary is called “Expedition New Earth.” and is being produced for the BBC. In it, the scientist will claim that mankind has no other choice except to colonize another planet within the next 100 years — despite a previous belief that we wouldn’t be able to make such colonies self-sustaining. The program will also feature Hawking’s former student, Christophe Galfard, traveling the world and seeking ways in which humans can begin to prepare for life in outer space.
Although world governments are in a race to explore planets beyond earth, they haven’t been forthcoming in telling the general public about the urgency for such explorations. For this reason, Hawking believes that if we all don’t act now and pool our resources and knowledge to work together, mankind could end up starting a little too late and run out of time. Â He warns us not to get sidetracked with arguing about which country should go first and whether to make all our spacesuits in China or not.
The threat is urgent. Â The time is now. Â According to Stephen Hawking, you’ve been warned!