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HBO QAnon Docuseries Goes To CrazyTown!

- A deep look inside the Trump/MAGA cult of QAnon

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The new HBO QAnon docuseries entitled “Q: Into The Storm” is a brave dive down the rabbit-hole into crazy town and a peek into the cult-world of Donald Trump MAGA/QAnon fanatics.

Released just this past week, the HBO QAnon docuseries is a brilliant piece of work that leaves no stone unturned.  It covers the Q belief system of global elite cabals, deep state operatives, and the bizarre belief that pedophilic child-sex traffickers eat babies in order to rejuvenate their power.

HBO QAnon Docuseries

Director Cullen Hoback shot the 6-part HBO QAnon docuseries over 3 years, covering the rise of Donald Trump as the god-like protector of white supremacy all the way to the Capitol insurrection of January 6th.

QAnon originated in 2017 when a man, who called himself “Q” and claimed to be a high-ranking member inside the Trump administration, convinced gullible Trump fanatics that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and other Democratic Party leaders and Hollywood celebrities were all part of a satanic pedophile sex trafficking ring of liberals that eats babies. “Q” told followers that an extradition agreement had been struck with multiple countries to arrest Hillary Clinton during an imminent attempt she was supposed to make to flee the country (which never happened.)  “Q” also professed that Donald Trump would declare Marshall Law and once again be inaugurated on January 20th — and that the Clinton’s and Obama’s would be arrested and/or shot for treason on the spot. When that didn’t happen, “Q” claimed Trump would retake the presidency on March 4th and resume his rightful place inside The White House.  Once that date passed without any of the predictions coming true, several QAnon followers began believing that Donald Trump still maintains secret control of the military, or that Joe Biden is really Trump in disguise.

“To them, Q was a veritable omniscient deity; One woman claims that Q is so magical, she’d now believe anything, including that the Earth is flat.” – Q: Into The Storm


“Q” made regular “QDrops” to the QAnon faithful full of coded warnings about the coming “storm” that would unmask the deep state and lead to the arrest, trial, and execution of supposed liberal criminals.  QAnon members then spent hours attempting to decipher the clues the “QDrops” provided in a superhero-like game that made them feel powerful and responsible for saving all of mankind.

The entire premise behind QAnon is all part interactive game, part religion, part political movement, and part conservative/racist social media.  The group is comprised of a who’s who of American misfits who are white supremacists, white nationalists, religious fanatics, or just gullible folks who have zero grasps on the facts (or reality), have bought into the conspiracy theory that the liberal government is out to get them, that Donald Trump is their only savior, and that they are patriots.

HBO QAnon Docuseries

As expected, NONE of what the man named “Q” predicted has ever come true. Additionally, even Comedy Central’s SOUTH PARK made fun of QAnon and its “I’ll-Believe-Anything” followers.  However, that hasn’t stopped the Q- faithful from buying lie after lie and every push-backed date of when some prediction will finally come true (it never has).

So, exactly who is the man behind “Q” who’s fooled followers into hanging on his every word? It’s clearly someone who has enjoyed commanding the attention of thousands and has made money from the QAnon website where fanatics flock for clues on how Trump will save conservatism and the white race.


In case you haven’t yet seen the documentary and don’t want to know certain specifics, you may want to stop reading here.

The main takeaway from the HBO QAnon docuseries is Hoback’s reveal of who he believes to be the man known as “Q” himself: Ron Watkins.

HBO QAnon Docuseries
Ron Watkins

Watkins is the administrator of 8chan, an everything-goes message board based in Manila that was originally owned by his father, Jim Watkins.

8chan is the original place where anonymous users could indulge in unrestrained diatribes regarding white nationalism, sexism, racism, and just about every other deviant topic you could imagine. This is the place where “Q” took up permanent residence and first claimed to be a military insider with “Q-level clearance” who was (allegedly) very close to Donald Trump.

Too bad for the QAnon sycophants, but Donald Trump was not inaugurated for a 2nd time on January 20th OR March 4th, the Clinton’s and Obama’s were not arrested for treason and carted off to jail at the January inauguration, and liberals are not eating babies inside the basement of a Virginia pizzeria in order to regain powers.  It’s all a fantasy that has never once been right, yet members continue to believe.

Interestingly, due to all the bad press they’ve received from the January 6th attack and now this film, Q fanatics have begun pretending (and announcing) that QAnon doesn’t exist.  Anything to save face…

If the idea of QAnon fascinates you and you’re curious to know just how seemingly smart and logical people have been swept up into the cult — with some divorcing their spouses or permanently detaching from their families and children for daring to stop them from following the conspiracy — then HBO’s 6-part “Q: Into The Storm” is a must-see!



OK WASSUP! discusses Racism in Politics:
The HBO QAnon docuseries “Q: Into The Storm”

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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I had heard about this. Now I cannot wait to watch it. I have to sign up for HBO first.


The entire premise behind QAnon is all part interactive game, part religion, part political movement, and part conservative/racist social media. The group is comprised of a who’s who of American misfits who are white supremacists, white nationalists, religious fanatics, or just gullible folks who have zero grasps on the facts (or reality), have bought into the conspiracy theory that the liberal government is out to get them, that Donald Trump is their only savior, and that they are patriots. […] – DJ

This. All of this right here sums it all up in a nutshell….especially: 

“The group is comprised of a who’s who of American misfits who are white supremacists, white nationalists, religious fanatics, or just gullible folks who have zero grasps on the facts (or reality)…” 

Last edited 3 years ago by Truthiz1

“The group is comprised of a who’s who of American misfits who are white supremacists, white nationalists, religious fanatics, or just gullible folks who have zero grasps on the facts (or reality)…” – DJ In fact I would posit that this is the primary reason QAnon cult followers gravitated to Trump so easily. Just like Trump voters who, no doubt – many were/are QAnon believers – they SEE themselves in Trump. They recognized right off the bat that he and they have a lot in common.  But here’s where hardcore Trump voters and QAnon cult members truly reveal just how mucked up they are inside: Trump could come out today and admit to them that it’s all been one big Con job (his presidency, the MAGA promises he made, the QAnon hoax and all the madness related to that)….and those people Would NOT Believe Him because they ARE misfits whose individual identities identities are wrapped… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Truthiz1

If the idea of QAnon fascinates you and you’re curious to know just how seemingly smart and logical people have been swept up into the cult […]- DJ

Personally, I have Zero interest in the idea of QAnon but thank you DJ for covering this issue because WE (the rest of America) can afford to ignore the need for Us to have some level of awareness and understanding of the prevalence of these misfits in Our society OR the very real problems they can pose. They aren’t smart or logical at all.   

As I’ve expressed a few time on this site, I believe the overwhelming majority of Trump voters are Children in adult bodies. Some of them, quite dangerous children. But children nonetheless. And suffice it to say that I believe the exact same about QAnon believers. Children (some dangerous) in adult bodies. ALL mostly Scared, Angry and Lost.

Last edited 3 years ago by Truthiz1
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