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Move over “Cleaned His Clock,” there’s a new saying in town: “He Sunk His Battleship!”

It debuted last night in the final debate of the 2012 presidential election and in what was perhaps the last in the political careers of both President Obama and Mitt Romney. Well, the viewers have spoken and the results are in — President Obama was the clear winner!

From the moment the debate began the president dominated Romney, overwhelming him with facts and presidential charisma.  Mr. Obama successfully displayed his 4 years of experience as Commander-In-Chief, while Romney was forced to look on from the sidelines like an incapable bystander.  Romney looked nervous, uncomfortable and sweaty while the president remained cool, calm and collected. Romney frequently agreed with the president’s position on a variety of issues, while Mr. Obama drew decisive differences between the 2.

Undoubtedly, the most memorable moment of the night was when Romney tried to scold the president for not maintaining the same amount of Navy ships as in previous years.  “Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets,” President Obama said in retaliation, schooling Romney on technological advances that sometimes render traditional methods unnecessary. “This is not a game of battleship,” the president added, drawing chuckles from the crowd, while Facebook and Twitter immediately deemed this the moment “Obama sunk Romney’s battleship!”

Let’s face it, last night’s debate was a rout. President Obama gave Mitt Romney a political spanking like an old-school Baptist grandmother.  Or, to put it another way, if this had been a boxing match the referees would have called the fight.

If Mitt Romney had any political momentum, it died with the first debate.  Just as in the previous debate, President Obama was on his “A” game last night and poll numbers over the next few days should make the White House very satisfied.

CNN’s instant poll of an equal number of Democratic and Republican voters:

48%  Obama
40%  Romney

51% Obama
46% Romney

48% Obama
47% Romney

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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"…and poll numbers over the next few days should make the White House very satisfied."

Well I certainly hope not DJ.

The President and his team, IMO, have a tendency to become too complacent and quite frankly too arrogant at times. SEE: the first debate. They drop their guard and it costs them mightily.

This election far to too important to take a chance on relying on polls and large money hauls and pats on the back.

His enemies will stop at NOTHING to try and destroy him.

This election ain't over till it's over.

Mr. BD

LOL DJ good to see we both liked that same line about the horses and bayonet. And yeah this was a azz whoopin like the kind your grandmother used to give you when she told you go get her a switch. Obama did what he was supposed to do. Truth I don't think anybody is about to get comfortable. Yeah it ain't over until its over but last night was a good night for him. He's got two weeks to keep showing he's the president and in control. I think last night made a big difference for him the rest of the way.


"Yeah it ain't over until its over but last night was a good night for him."

Yes it was BD. And trust…I'm not trying to rain on the President's parade…lol

I just want the Presdient to kick some major azz on Nov 6th.

But I agree with you and DJ, last night was "azz whoopin" night xD!


Btw: Just a drive-by of a few popular right-wing blogs…they know the President cleaned their guys clock last night. In fact it was such a beat-down that Krauthammer and Co. simply can not accept it:

"Romney Won Unequivocally"

"I thought Romney had the day. He looked presidential. The president did not. And that’s the impression I think that is going to be left."


H/T: Hotair

Charles needs to step away from the pipe.


I just wish we could get back to a time when the debates were more than a big sporting event where people cheer their respective team. The fact that someone is viewed as "winning" a debate just goes against the whole point of what it should be- it's not about who had the best wisecracks or who looked better on TV, but that's all we end up caring about. And then, of course, the fact that after Ross Perot they basically made it a two-person match, well that pretty much says it all- it's not really a debate at all. I've found myself looking at this bizarre forum, populated mostly by right-wingers: Their view on the debates is quite different than here. I think they're pretty nuts, but I'm sure they're saying the same thing about this site- it makes me wonder how we're ever going to move forward… Read more »


I absolutely agree Memo. In fact, I don't watch debates anymore because (as has been discussed recently at OK WASSUP!) it's pretty much all theater, or as you stated "a big sporting event where people cheer their respective team."

I liken it to the WWF or WWE….or whatever that pro wrestling organization is called these days.

Unfortunately, our political sysytem is what it is and until We The People raise our collective voices and demand REAL change on a host of Presidential election related issues NOTHING will improve.

I've got at least one topic on the issue of our politcal system I plan to post in the *Forum* section AFTER the election. For now I'll say this: I think the role of internet cultural-socio-political blogs will continue to grow and their influences (via VOICES of participants AND loyal readers of those sites) will increase significantly in the coming years.

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