Trump Threat Has Republicans Reeling
Donald Trump is at it again with a new Trump Threat that has the Republican Party shaking in its boots.
Politics :
In case you’ve been living on the dark side of the moon, Donald Trump is allegedly running for president again in 2024. However, since he’s had the GOP by the cajónes since the party anointed him as king back in 2016, Trump has been used to pretty much getting his way out of fear of reprisal.

Now is no different as ‘The Donald’ wants the 2024 GOP nomination for president about as much as he wants air — which should explain the latest Trump Threat: hand me the 2024 GOP nomination or else!
The Trump Threat came during a recent interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt when Trump made clear that if he is not awarded the ’24 nomination, he might not back the Republican presidential candidate.
“It would depend,” Trump told Hewitt. “It would have to depend on who the nominee was.”
For anyone who knows Donald Trump, his words are synonymous with a similar threat from 2016 when he said: “If I go, I will tell you, these millions of people that joined, they’re all coming with me.”
Or, in other words, if he is not handed the Republican nomination for president on a silver platter, he will take his MAGA followers and launch a 3rd Party bid for the presidency — a move almost certain to hand Democrats at least another 4 years in The White House.

Although Trump is weaker today than when he was last in Washington, his threats are already sending shivers down the spines of Republican lawmakers and voters eager to reclaim The White House. This is only heightened by a new poll from The Bulwark which states that more than a quarter of Republican voters would abandon the party for Trump if he decided to mount a 3rd-party bid.
According to The Daily Kos, a 5%-10% defection would likely be enough to gift the presidency to Democrats again in ’24. If these numbers are accurate, one doesn’t need to be a rocket scientist to recognize that this is awful news for the GOP.
Interestingly, Donald Trump wouldn’t even have to launch an independent bid to seek revenge against Republicans. He could skip a campaign and simply engage in a trashing of the Republican nominee, the party, and the GOP “establishment,” which his sycophants already despise. And, with Republican Nikki Haley being the first (behind Trump) to announce her candidacy for the GOP nomination, ‘The Donald’ has already begun testing his trash-talking “poison pill” to derail any fellow party member standing in his way.

Will the GOP tuck their tails between their legs (again) and kowtow to the latest Trump Threat? Or is it Trump’s destiny to launch a 3rd Party presidential bid and/or a dumpster-fire media tour designed to set the GOP aflame once and for all?
OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
New Trump Threat could sink Republicans.
NY Times:
Donald J. Trump refused to say he would support the next Republican presidential nominee if it was not him, exposing a potential quagmire along the party’s path toward reclaiming the White House in 2024 and showcasing, once again, the former president’s transactional spin on political loyalty.
In a radio interview on Thursday, the conservative commentator Hugh Hewitt asked Mr. Trump if he would support “whoever” wins the party’s nomination next year. Mr. Trump announced his third presidential campaign in November and faces a number of potential Republican challengers.
“It would depend,” Mr. Trump said, adding, “It would have to depend on who the nominee was.”
The hesitation from Mr. Trump differed from many of the Republican Party’s top officials and most prominent activists. Several of Mr. Trump’s critics inside the party, including Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the minority leader, have repeatedly said they planned to back the G.O.P. nominee, even if that person is not their top choice.
Will the GOP tuck their tails between their legs (again) and kowtow to the latest Trump Threat? Or is it Trump’s destiny to launch a 3rd Party presidential bid and/or a dumpster-fire media tour designed to set the GOP aflame once and for all? […] – DJ
Welp…Lol. They had better kowtow to his threat or he, for darn sure will at least the very ACT like he’s launching “a 3rd Party presidential bid and/or a dumpster-fire media tour designed to set the GOP aflame once and for all.”
[The Trump Threat came during a recent interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt when Trump made clear that if he is not awarded the ’24 nomination, he might not back the Republican presidential candidate.
“It would depend,” Trump told Hewitt. “It would have to depend on who the nominee was.” ] – DJ
Uh-huh. In other words, if the nominee is HIM he’ll back his own nomination. Anyone who believes otherwise, at this point…well I don’t know what to say!?!
Btw – right now, to my eyes, DeSantis looks like a pretender, fool’s gold for right-wingers who say they “like” Trump’s policies but are sick of his throwed-off and ignorant behaviors.
DeSantis hasn’t really yet shown that he has the Courage to truly take on Trump. And frankly, outside of Florida and a few solidly “red” states I don’t think his schtick or personality will come across well.
As for Nikki Haley – she’s definitely a light-weight, with pretty much NO chance of winning the Repub nomination. And I would posit that she may actually be angling to be Trump’s VP if he ends up winning the nomination again.
But we’ll see.
I am having one of those days but I can finally get to this. I have no sympathy for Repubs. They made their bed when they let Trump run all over them. Now they got to lie in it. They are screwed no matter what.