Current Events
Rep. David Scott (D-GA) was in the news recently for restoring order at a local Town Hall meeting after having to shout down some rather disruptive “Tea Baggers”. Now it appears his critics are having the last word — and it’s the “N” word.
Following the Town Hall meeting, Rep. Scott received personal death threats that included a Swastika spray painted at his Georgia district office. But if that wasn’t enough, Rep. Scott shared with CNN some very disturbing hate mail he received lately. This comes after a black woman attending a Missouri Town Hall meeting carrying a photo of civil rights leader Rosa Parks, had the sign snatched and ripped to pieces by a white man sitting nearby. Since when did disagreement over Health Care reform turn into racial hatred? WATCH:
This whole debate is out of control. Much of it is because some are still mad Obama got elected president. Part of it is the Republican's playing dirty too. This is our one big chance to finally put racism to rest but were blowing it. We need to wake up America!