“Now this is unseemly, exploitative, an 11-year-old boy being forced to tell his story all over just to benefit the Democrat Party and Barack Obama,” Limbaugh said. “And, I would say this to Marcelas Owens: ‘Well, your mom would still have died, because Obamacare doesn’t kick in until 2014.'” Beck pointed out that Owens’ recent trip to Washington was paid for by Healthcare of America, a group that has been lobbying for a health care overhaul. “That’s the George Soros-funded Obama-approved group fighting for health care,” Beck said. “Since all of the groups are so concerned and involved now, may I ask where were you when Marcelas’ mother was vomiting blood?”
Young Marcelas, whose mother got sick, lost her job, lost her health insurance and died, said he’s taking the attacks from Limbaugh and Beck in stride. “My mother always taught me they can have their own opinion but that doesn’t mean they are right.” But Marcelas’ grandmother, Gina, who watched her daughter die, isn’t quite so generous. “These are adults, and he is an 11-year-old boy who lost his mother,” Gina Owens said. “They should be ashamed.”
This is sad. You just don't do that to a kid. It's people like Rush Limbaugh that caused the racial shouts to John Lewis and others this weekend. Disgusting!